This was never like Diablo 2, Rod

@Bodach Thank you for making this thread. They deleted mine yesterday. But this is a matter that needs to be talked about. Because it’s about Blizzard being disingenuous and disrespectful.


They couldn’t even code stash space correctly, like, calm down there Rod.

Next thing you know he’s going to be insulting David Brevick and stepping down (aka Jay Wilson) because he couldn’t make a game as good, then he’ll somehow blame the playerbase again.

(bring David Brevick back lol? Can we actually get a good diablo game?)


No mate players have changed and they dont want to play a copy paste of D2 or even play D2R. People have moved on and a different stlye of grind and item is required and the team and heard that message and met the requirements.
Its a small base of player who cant move on from the year 2000 and just want everything D2R

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Game didnt fail it was a huge success and is getting an expansion .U just sound salty and bitter

No new player is picking up D2R or D2 its purely a nostalgia piece game simply would not work today. If you want something like it POE is that way the Diablo Franchise moved on with the times and is better for it


Go reread the opening post and realize this isn’t about copying d2r. Then, come back and troll correctly.

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BTW guys i have a question. Why don’t they talk about scaling?
At the first place why do we even need it now if you’r staying like 99% of ur game time in the town waiting for pit or doing helltides which works same as D2r Terrorize zones? And scaling brings tons of problems to the CORE game
Oh yes, I forgot, you want to keep the open world relevant, but the question is, who needs it now?


Here we go. Moved on to what? D3? The worst Diablo game ever made that everyone played on release and then forgot it’s existence ever since? A game so bad, that during D4’s marketing it wasn’t even mentioned :joy:


And yet 31 seasons strong people are still playing it. DOesnt sound bad to me. JUst another I love D2 boomer LMAO. Alot of the players who enjoy d4 enjoy d3. IM afraid D2 players were simply not the target audience . never were going to be

That no one really cared about or even knew existed. Get a grip.

I suppose that’s fair. And absolutely true. But at the same time they didn’t make a game as to compare it to Diablo 2.

I’m of the opinion that they simply put everything from Diablo 2 on paper into a brand new engine with reskinned content, but the same items and the same skill system in the same everything, it would be game of the year.

Because the genius of the game is you don’t need a windforce to excel at that game. It’s a goal you can set for yourself. If you must have one, you can get one by simply farming and trading for it. Nothing was out of reach unless you chose a SSF route.

It’s a common myth about Diablo II people keep perpetuating for whatever reason. I can get any item in the game in a ladder in like 2-3 days tops. You just trade for it. You’re always getting useful drops because of this, so you’re always making progress. That’s what is lacking in this game and why it can never actually be compared to Diablo 2 in the slightest outside of art style.


That you dont care about , game didnt target D2 players . If it did i wouldnt of pick it up. IMO game since RoS has been fantastic
D2R and POE are over that way mate . Those are for you

Idk why do you guys even see his posts. This guy is a must on every person block list, just D3 clown fanboy. Strongly recommend to do it.

LMAO so cause i enjoy D3 im a fanboy . Its not a terrible game , Neither is D2 . But im not blind when it comes to the fact D4 was designed mostly for D3 and casual not D2 purists

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But it did! That’s the whole point of this thread. Can’t you read? Blizzard marketed D4 as a back to the roots, D2 successor.


Marketing is a wonderful thing isnt it . Gets you cash and then you do what you want. D4 is NEVER going to target D2 player base
Your just a sucker for marketing , even in the Beta youl could tell it wasnt catering to D2


You do realize it’s just a game forum right? No need to get triggered by a response on a game forum


It didn’t target D2 players? Oh, is that why they reintroduced unique items as a MAJOR selling point of this game? Something D3 didn’t even have?

I mean really man, you gotta be absolutely joking with that post.

I remember why I ignored this guy… massive troll. Don’t bother replying I refuse to read another one of your posts.

Well, false advertising sometimes leads to lawsuits.

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Rod doesn’t make the games, lol. He’s like everyone’s favorite Uncle who works at the family company.

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Game is darker then D3 , Might not be as Dark as D2 but there marketing didnt lie.
A clown in a pink parasol could of been darker then D3. What they said they deliver on . But again D2 players were not the target audience
Look at the itemisation in the beta and games early stages it had D3 written all over it and yet player still bought the game and complain

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