This game is going to die

for a game that depends on grouping to do anything it is stupid how long it takes just to find a group. I get to play 2 days out of the week and I have spent one entire day looking for a group before… will most likely just continue to play d2 as they can’t seem to make a decent diablo game besides that ancient game
Edit: IE. if the game requires you to group maybe have a group finder in the game?!?!?!?!
Did blizz hire dudes straight out of middle school that couldn’t think of something so simple?


I very much hope so as well.


Don’t get me wrong I also think this game is boring end game is severely lacking with no sense of rewards or chase for people to continue to do same loop over and over.

But I don’t think the issue lies within “group” lol This game is really solo simulator at best, you can play in group if you want but it is not really designed to force group play in any way shape or form.

If you like group play probably go for mmo instead ?


It’s already dead. No one wants to redo tedious renown mechanics every season.

Play POE if you want a real ARPG.


so you dont do NM sigils? and you dont like the exp boost of playing with others… sure i can play on 3 by myself for the next 3 years while i slowly level up because i dont have time like you people do. another thing, why would i buy and download a open world game just to solo play?

Yea I am already level 100 like a month ago. I did it through mostly NM dungeons and I almost puked. Yes, I did it all by myself.

DIablo isn’t mmo , even though they added in some mmo elements here and there but there is not even a proper chat channel . No one even talks lol.

there is 0 interactions. I don’t play Diablo for the sake of grouping with others at all.

well good for you… but you myfriend are what we like to call a sweaty nerd. i get to play 8-16 hours a week max… you think I’m anywhere near 100??? just because you don’t have issues doesnt mean there isnt a problem.

and why would i pay so much money for a game to play alone?? lol d2 is better for that. espescially seems how i have 2 accounts full of maxed chars.

you probably shouldn’t call people things that you don’t know anything about.

I have a life, and a career. I play more hours than you is all that I can say.

Then you probably should just keep out of topics you don’t agree with. I didn’t ask you to come here and tell me I suck at the game.
and yes I know you didn’t say it out right but beating around the bush you told me i suck go away. so now I’m supposed to be friendly?

I never said you suck at game ? I said this game isn’t really designed focused on group play. It is not required. If you want group play focused game you should try MMO.

This isn’t MMO

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16 hours a week is plenty of time to have hit 100 solo

Also, post on discord and you’ll get a group pretty much instantly for whatever you want to do

Like yea a group finder would be nice but I mean discord is super easy to get a group going with as well

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i said at a max, i have played 4 days total
i have tried discord there is 5k people and i just get to stare at that all day
another way for me to waste time looking for a group

8-16 hours a week max is what you said

Either way; use discord. Problem solved

maybe you should try and understand my post a bit better ? no where in that you quoted have me directly or indirectly stating you suck at game.

I love how you concisely put truthful information Revive. Wow, 0 interactions. No talking. No chat channel. In an MMO? It’s true. And it’s very pathetic and sad, the truth, that we all need to hear about the game

Don’t get me wrong I also think this game is boring end game is severely lacking with no sense of rewards or chase for people to continue to do same loop over and over.

But I don’t think the issue lies within “group” lol This game is really solo simulator at best, you can play in group if you want but it is not really designed to force group play in any way shape or form.

If you like group play probably go for mmo instead ?

telling me to go play a different game is the same thing as saying you suck just delete it

Yeh it’s designed for group play, mate. +XP, +buffs, camera zooms out.


telling me to go play a different game is the same thing as saying you suck just delete it

no, it isn’t


lol thanks for your 2 cents.