This game has Memory Leak again

The longer I play the more unplayable it becomes. This sucks!
It was my hard drive. not writing fast enough…still sucks

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Got a crash also today, on fighting Blood Raven or how is called together with other players. not got any crash on doing solo Pit…

Memory usage has been fairly stable for me since the season started. Ties up roughly 10-12GB, regardless of how long I play. And I have played for hours at a time. It will go up and down in small amounts but roughly about half of my system RAM is in use while playing and approximately a bit over half of my virtual memory is used. (out of 48GB) But those numbers include everything running, not just the game.

Not really seeing any evidence of a leak. Diablo IV has always been a memory hog though.

I will say this:

It does seem that since this latest season started, those with standard swap file/virtual memory settings do have the unfortunate habit of running out of memory.

Those of you having issues might want to consider re-configuring the swap file to help optimize your system and help overall system performance:

-Graphics card keeps running out of memory - #3 by DTMAce-1687

Blood Raven is a mini boss from Diablo 2. :non-potable_water:
I’m assuming you mean the Blood Maiden. :slight_smile:

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yes, too many bosses on these games :slight_smile:

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Especially since they have no back story or purpose. Just random boss.

I have 64gb ddr5 ram on my laptop and it still runs out of ram every now and then… It’s pretty ridiculous

Yeah I would not recommend using a mechanical hard drive for this game.

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In your case, I would highly recommend setting up a 16GB swap file then.

Monitor your VRAM usage (Committed memory) under task manager.

The first time I got memory errors, was after I had changed video cards.

When the game launched, I was running a 3070 Ti 8GB, on a system with 12900k, 32GB of DDR5.

I had actually turned off the swap file completely when I built the system (I normally don’t use a swap file) and the game played fine that way, no issues at all.

Then in Jan of this year I purchased a 4080 Super FE. Had to update the drivers to support it. Started getting out of memory errors and disconnects on teleport. Set a swap file of 16GB and all that stopped immediately.

But I started monitoring the committed memory and noticed that the game was using ALL of it prior to making that change. Now it stabilizes and only uses about 30-36GB of VM total, but yet only using about 20GB of my actual memory. (values are for the entire system, not just the game)

This game tends to offload video card memory stuff into VRAM.So if you have a higher memory video card, it uses even more. I went from 8GB to 16GB and that was enough to crash the system.

Should it be doing this? Do other game go to this extreme? Not completely sure, but I do know that changing the swap file to a static size made a huge impact for me.

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Moved the file to an SSD and it’s much better. Played on the same HDD for seasons 1-3, but S4 is running different. I also have a 4090 card and there are issues.(I havent noticed anything on my rig, but who knows)

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I didn’t get the memory leak until July 2023, since then it’s never gone away, and has in fact gotten worse.

Nothing I’ve done has fixed it. The only thing I haven’t done yet is DDU graphics drivers. It sucks because I really love this game but haven’t played since September when I’d get 7 minutes into the game and it would crash.

Just reinstalled last week and didn’t make it 10 minutes. It’s so frustrating

its not gpu drivers, its blizzard.

i have zero issue anywhere else and i play quite a few other games atm.

You’re still running out of ram with 64 gigs? I don’t get that. I have 32 and don’t run out. Don’t take that the wrong way I’m not saying you don’t or anything just seems weird you have double the ram I have but run out and I’m fine.

glad that you solve the issue with a SSD.

btw, do you know the minimum spec was SSD to begin with?