These are the guys in control?

If you like Beserk you can’t be such a bad guy.

lol You’re gonna crush this dude’s ego. Suggesting someone should touch grass isn’t as cool as he thinks it sounds especially when he’s pushing for isolation. These wannabe elite veteran players just want everyone to quit so they can hang out in empty servers.

The White Knight has appeared.

i’m scared this might come off as sarcastic but, can you please just say a lot more about this? i genuinely want to listen to an at least 1-hour podcast about this. i’m serious. but i’m also worried that saying i’m serious might sound sarcastic. in any case i’ve described it the same myself, but hearing about a known acronymn clicks. that checks out, and again, i just wanna hear more.


They should leave the industry, development is not their forte at all. Their ideas are terrible.

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Yea just imagine where your own life would be if you spent less time bashing people who are more successful than you and more time focusing on improving yourself

“these are the guys in control?”

Looks at the latest Shako helltide debacle

yes. it didn’t take long to prove your case did it? lol.


I’m thankful I’m not some talentless hack. I wouldn’t call having Blizzard funding and delivering this successful though, I’d call it scraping by with an IP and studio name too big to fail. Half the people in this forum could come up with a better seasonsl gimmick and core game loop structure for Diablo in 10 minutes than these hacks could manage in ten years.

Have you seen the people in this forum. Most prolly cant do sh*t worth looking at.

The guy with 917 posts tells the guy with 3 posts to touch grass. :rofl:


Do BeTtEr.

SuCh a KaReN.

MoThErS bAsEmEnT.


Annoying twitter hivemind speak aside, Lucasa is right. I’m not particularly happy with D4, and I do think the devs are out of touch, but I don’t personally have problems with them.

Personal attacks aimed at individuals over a video game is well, pathetic.

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So you’re worthless even outside of your gaming. Thanks for letting us know. Have an extra drink on me.

Not much different from people in these forums ngl. Including me

Nah the people in these forums are in their prime.

That’s the usual go to when there is lack of a logical rebuttal. Do go on and regurgitate more irrelevant phrases though.

Please make sure to drive afterwards.

You’re at a bar and browsing D4 forums. Are you good? Any friends there? Women to talk to? No? Shame. Speaking of “touching the grass” lmao

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Ive ran bars in this city for a decade. Im pretty comfortable doing whatever I feel like at this point :kissing_heart:

I can tell by your kissy emoticons you’ve gone over your limit. And by run you mean stand in a corner alone drinking and browsing D4 forums.

Thanks for clarifying. Now go get more drinks in you so you can ignore your reality. :rofl:

There is a 98% chance Blizzard doesn’t care.