These are the guys in control?

Amusing that a 900+ post count account is talking about touching grass.

The ironing is quite delicious.


Woof, so much hot air from someone who doesn’t know when to quit.

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In my opinion, they are cool. They try their best but they were not given more time.
Someone pushed them hard to sell the game and it came out like it did.
It will be hard to make up for it if they don’t pull some ace out of their sleeve.

Actually originated as a response to adult children getting all butthurt over some make believe nonsense and completely losing perspective.

So… basically exactky whats going on here.

And yet here you are.

Please come up with a new line already. Every third response to any type of criticism is this.

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You are so smart……
what are you doing here?

Go and implement your own game then.

Wow another whiny 0 substance OP that gives the devs nothing to work with and serves no purpose.

Agreed. I thought it was a good video. The forums run rampant with mental illness. I personally have mental illnesses, but I’m on medication.

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Criticism is fine. Ive criticized the game extensively. But, again… there’s a line between critisizing a video game and the completely over the top nonsense you see here on these forums… Ive actually seen some of you whakadoos here so upset youre threatening terrorism… Its literally insane…

If you have a criticism of the game thats one thing. Going after PEOPLE because youre upset over a video game is mental illness…

Jesus you should find it.

how old are you? this is cringe af, unless maybe you are 14 years old or something, in that case, then I guess it’s okay.

Grasses, you should put them on.

Exactly my thoughts. If I ever saw an MVP this is textbook. The absolute bare minimum you can put out. We will see if they use the time of season 1 wisely, but I doubt it. The backlog is already putting them in a bad spot.

Additionally they need the time to put something up for season 2. Given how lackluster season 1 content seems to be they have absolutely nothing sitting on a branch.

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Who? I have 10 armors 10 or 11 mounts never spent a dime. They sure are bad at MTX selling?

ok armchair dev. lol.

The Blizzard D4 Team and its Management need to do much better for Diablo 4 players who paid between $70 and $100 for this game. We didn’t buy D4 to get a broken, buggy beta game!

And the awful 12% BS XP buff is simply bad overall for season game play, which only lasts 3 months! Blizzard D4 Team is in for a serious wake up call! Most players will NOT want to re-live the XP Hell-Grind in D4 all over again for Seasons, which we all have to start at level 1!
At this point Diablo 4 does not feel rewarding or fun at all, especially when you’re grinding like a snail to get to max level, and it’s dull, repetitive and boring!

Not to mention, the awful player XP disparity between solo players and group players! It’s the worst! Diablo 4 Team made an awful mistake by punishing Solo players vs group players when it comes to player XP. It’s extremely unfair, ridiculous and just makes no sense why the Blizzard D4 Team would make such an awful and poor decision!? The player XP is bad enough, so the Blizzard D4 Team only makes it worse with this BS unfair game play for those who like to play Solo or casually, especially when looking for a group is NOT easy at all in this game! What gives Blizzard Team! Fix these unfair and buggy game play mechanics and BS problems in Diablo 4! How hard can it be!?

We expected a fun, epic game that was to be better than all other Diablo games, and instead we get a broken, buggy beta game, that is now asking players to re-grind XP for a short 3 months for only a few rewards and titles!? Give me a break already!!

Terrible game mechanics, bugs, issues and bad decisions in this game are going to ruin Diablo 4. I really do like the game, and I hope it actually improves. It can be so much better!!

Let’s hope the Blizzard D4 Team comes to their senses and triples the player XP for Seasons in Diablo IV (4) and actually fixes the many bugs and issues in the game, along with quality of life improvements it really needs. If not, the epic fails in Diablo 4 can potentially ruin this game if Blizzard doesn’t fix and address them for its players soon! - JJ-


I chuckled. Ill give you that

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It is easy, yes. Any one of us could really turn this game around dramatically. Which leads me to believe that behind the scenes, the developers are pulled in another direction by corporate mandates. engagement metrics, couch co-op metrics, all that kind of stuff. It’s likely that a lot of staples, that seem like obvious things to us in order for the game to be more fun, run in contradiction too whatever corporate engagement metrics they are more concerned with. Or metrics that dictate maximized cosmetic sales.

Like making really cool items and having a bunch of them will make balancing more difficult, thus alienate what they have decided to be the ideal demographic candidate for console/couch co-op users or something. That kind of crap.

The root problem, in my opinion, is that the fun factor is not the driving factor behind this game’s development. It is engagement metrics for corporate directives which have much broader ramifications than the game itself. They are forward looking to other projects and how they would like to branch out, demographically. That is the prime directive. Not fun.

You’re talking to a fanboy whose only insight is “me like game”. Nothing they say will makes sense. They’ll use words inappropriately. They’ll contradict themselves, and act contrarian until you finally get sick of their inability to think objectively and without spite.


One of the devs spent half a second of a 90 minute live making a stupid joke and you think that means anything for the game or justifies OPs post? Yeah… touch grass please

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