There was an error. (Code 316719)

play 7 min.
The game connection has been lost: your client has been disconnected from the server.

play 12 min.
The game connection has been lost: your client has been disconnected from the server.

play 5 min.
The game connection has been lost: your client has been disconnected from the server.

It’s kind of silly, how do they expect us to test the game if we can’t play more than 5/10 minutes?

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I wish I had been counting but it’s at least my 4th queue in 3 hours and the queues keep getting longer while my play time gets shorter. The last time I was connected for less than 3 minutes before I got the error. I hope they are getting some good data from this so we don’t have this at launch.
And what’s with the secondary queue to start the game?

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Disconnected 8 times.

Time spent waiting ~2.5 hours

Time spent playing ~25 minutes

Each time I get disconnected I have to wonder if my hardcore character will be dead and deleted when I log back in, not by any fault of my own.

What exactly does Blizzard do with the millions of dollars they scam out of their playerbase for each game? Must be nice alienating your fans for a few bucks. It’s truly no wonder why all the great creators left Blizz and made their own companies, leaving an empty husk of a company filled with woke devs to cobble together old IPs with no innovation whatsoever.

I still remember a Blizzard that didn’t a release a game until it was ready…10 years ago. How shamefully far you have fallen.

Can there at least be some sort of grace period added so if you get disconnected from the server and you actively try to reconnect you don’t have to wait another hour in queue just to play 5 minutes before being disconnected again?!?

Just waited another 40 minutes only to get disconnected after 1 minute…


Well i play about 10 minutes all the time then get kicked out, after that its 45 minutes queue time , completely unplayable

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You are lucky i get it consistently after 10 minutes


15 minutes of game play 1 1/2 hours of que time not enjoying my time with this issue.

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Still happening. Play for 10 minutes, then booted. 4th disconnect since 6PM eastern. with 30 min queues in between.

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I"ve been averaging 8-10 minutes of playtime per hour. the rest is ‘disconnected, exist, restart, wait in queue’.

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You do realize that the game isn’t released yet. This is a Beta event open to anyone who wants to come in and try it out. And as such there are going to be issues as they monitor the server performance, perform application and server tuning, networking tuning, scaling and stability tests, etc. And the more players they can get online at one time the more data they get on what needs to be fixed on the platform.

Yea it sucks that we want to play without interruption, but the data they gather from the beta should help them to have far more stability at the actual release in June.


play 10’ and queue for 50’ if lucky to load the character or so another 50’ queue. Shame on blizzard to launch a server that cant handle the amount of players who paid for the game in the past 4 days. And now they come with the brilliant idea of let free to play players join! that is nonsense

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Yeah, so, that was a lie.

I get about 10-15 minutes of play, then get kicked and have to sit for 45 minutes, whereas my brother and friend have been playing for 5 hours straight with no issues…

How is there no system to prioritize people who get kicked to quicken their time in the queue? I get it’s beta, but I had no issues all of last weekend and they had to expect this many people to be trying to play.


Naivety at its finest.
First time blizzard player huh?

The complaints are valid mate, if you waited 40+ mins in queue, at least give a grace period to try and reconnect.

Forcing to go back to the end of the queue is just dumb, just makes the queue a revolving door.

I’ll wager this issue will happen on launch, then I’d love to see all these blizz apologists come back with the same rhetoric.

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Still happening to me

Guys I think it’s getting better. I was in game for 11 minutes and only had to requeue for 41 this time.

No administrator is going to answer about this problem? Nobody from technical support is going to say anything? It’s a $70 AAA game. Understanding that it is a BETA version, they should still say something like: “we are working to resolve it” or “we detected the problem, your money was well spent…”

Currently unplayable. 4-5x in queue vs playing.

Same here, just had my 6th disconnect since getting on this evening. This is getting effing stupid. I had one disconnect last weekend, that’s it. This evening? So. many. effing. disconnects.

And here we go! Timer started.