Theorycrafters Haven

You think you’ll do enough damage with that build?

And it depends, how the +10% per attack speed for iceblade scales compare to 20% less cd for all other skills.

With 6 cd spells, and 40sec cd for +1 iceblade, you should get +3 iceblade on the field, the moment you call them, all 3 gives +1,5sec cd reduction per hit, and +30% attack speed per hit, on a 16 (later 14,4sec cooldown for iceblade).

So 10 hits (which means 3sec of attacks) to get +1 ice blade.

Iceblade has basic 6sec duration, later 7,2 sec.

so 1 iceblade will recreate himself with the 40cd passive, in a cooldown build, and there is a high chance, that you can infinite stack them, as log they attack.


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I wish incinerate sorcerer was viable. maybe one day :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Unless the full release of the game has substantial more aspects and uniques, if we know what skill you’re trying to use, we pretty much already know what aspects you’re taking.

The game as it stands is pretty much just set items without sets at the moment. We need more aspects and unique items that change things up.

I hope the full release database leak has some juice that was held back, otherwise it might take a full year or more for the game to grow for any real theory crafting.

Ill be happy with people who post off meta builds. I am a old man and I hate that forums, youtube, and content creators have main streamed most games with the " BEST BUILD" guides everywhere. Lately everyone just copies the builds they see having zero idea how to just have fun with cool unique builds.

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Incinerate has 25 mana per seconds cost.

And a lucky hit chance during channeling from 16%, so 31% with the passive element from skill tree.

Useing a Cooldown legendary gives 25 mana (32,5 (amu) 50? on 2h weapon?) per cooldown, and burning legendary gives 10% (15(amu)-20% (2h) chance, to get 10 mana back.

So Incinerate will fail or work over this mana gain elements, together with other mana regg sources, to get the 25 mana per second drain off set.

I’m mostly interested in how my fire and shock sorc will turn out late game. I like rainbow characters.

You have no defensive skills other than 1 point in Teleport, do not do any crowd control, and I am not sure Supreme Unstable Currents means much since you do not seem to have a way to create Crackling Energy. While you will get some reprieve from damage by critical striking things via Electrocution, I am not sure that is going to be enough for harder tiers of the game.

Yea i know
I personally don’t like skills and mechanics that don’t work on elites and bosses so i try to not have cc but simply enemus deletus
If i get killed too much later on i will recognize it xD

Ice Armor works regardless of who is doing damage. So too the barrier from Protection.

And that is ignoring that CC does work on bosses, just via the stagger mechanic.

Yea but that probably doesn’t include mechanics and interactions like “stunned enemies blabla”
I will see. I can still replace the ultimate if i really need something. I honestly picked it because I had a slot let.

A staggered boss is considered to have EVERY form of crowd control applied to them for the duration regardless of what staggered them. So yes, it includes stuns.

Might change some things in the future for me.

do you mean Fireball?

It might be strong later on, but its kinda slow ramping

No it would be with charged bolt in the enchant slots with arc lash.

Planning on full minion necro.
Essence drain, blight, skeletons, golem, blood mist, army of the dead.

If i can find the legendary that makes blood mist trigger corpse explosion, ill run that too swapped to shadow damage.

Maybe the leg that makes essence drain multitarget.

Outside of those, i dont know any specific items. But ill focus things that improve minions and increase their numbers

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Really standard either Lightning Sorc or Cold Sorc most likely.

I’m planning on going sorcerer, but completely torn on whether I want the core build to focus around chain lightning, ice shards, or fire wall lol. I love all of them almost equally.


This is what we call letting fate decide. Whichever drops their legendary first is it :joy:


But what class will you hunt that first lego with?