Gnomer's Build (v3.0)

I believe there to exist an Eternal end-game build for all classes that is universal. The build would need to be balanced so that it is effectively nerf-proof. Such a build would be very efficient and value-oriented, very little to no paragon edits between seasons, and with simple item swaps to transition between PVE and PVP (if any). Such a build would also be wholly Unique item-based; so that you may take a break, come back later and with very little effort, get it up-to-date so that you may remain competitive. The game devs will continue releasing season-specific Uniques, which you may drop in to suit your tastes. Ubers are not required, but even 1 in the right spot, will go a long way. Since it is balanced, variations should be done with Unique swaps, skill tree level, and the Off-Hand. There is a lot going on in the combo (and it can be difficult to play well), but performance increases the faster you are able to play. It is such a joy to play, I hope others will enjoy it as well.

https: //

https ://

You should be aware that if blizzard changes a unique, they do not retroactively adjust
existing copies.

I am aware, thank you. The balance is supposed to ease the pain from those changes. In fact, for some items, I have found the reverse is true. I travel with my 300% retroactive FoF, having a 3rd source of Lucky Hit healing is incredible for tanking. Since this build does not max armor (mage fundamentals means they are without it anyway), pieces like gloves are not as impacted by obsolescence, especially if devs aim to keep power creep under control. I would not be surprised if some retroactive Uniques are banned from future PVP competitions. They will be profoundly rare (so keep your old ones!).

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Thats a great point too, to keep the old versions.

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Minor update…
Selig, dual-basic survivability demo. I plan on having three surface variations ready for s4, 1 pvp and 2 pve (BL/basic, Blizz/basic).

v3.1:: //

hum. Never played PvP and probably never will because i don’t like it at all. I am more a PVE guy but I don’t think blizzard is a good choice for PvP content because it´s slow cast and easy to avoid in a fight. Also you should use lighting spear which can stun everything in a room.

I was running blizzard spikes for awhile in pvp, it does have some qualities…e.g. controlling their movement if they choose to avoid the lava. The spear stuns come out indirectly with stable aspect.

all Pvp videos i watch the balls lighting melts everything, including the barbarian.

I mean…I dont think those sorcs ever choose to upload fights against thorns barbs where the BL gets crushed in 1-3 seconds?

@Gnomer, looks like you may finally get your wish in S4 with Firebolt!

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The gloves? Yea, if I can free up an ench slot, that would open quite a few deeper synergies. Did not do ptr, but look forward to the new content.

I think the PTR version was bugged (glove wise). But I’m also told Adaptability aspect is bugged. Always hard to tell. But they do seem to be wanting to buff basic skills tree branch. We shall see soon!

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Also, you may be looking at dated footage from s2, when we had the BL bug that made a cheese melt of world bosses in 3 sec.
Important to consider that meta changes each season, so unless you are active, you very well may be commenting with outdated info.