The Rule of 🆒 turns to the Rule of uncool (NERFS)

A week ago the forum was full of people laughing about how the devs response to barbs being overpowered was to buff barb. Then they nerf the single most OP key passive on the game and suddenly barbs are dead and the devs have gone too far and the game is ruined.

Get a grip. Yes, GW is being nerfed. It’s the thing that needed a nerf more than anything else except maybe immortal firewall. None of the other passives got a 75% nerf, that’s absurd. Unbridled rage lost 27.5%, unconstrained lost 32.5%, and WA lost about 21%.

Small nerfs are good for things that are close to balanced but (1) barbs weren’t close to balanced, and (2) it’s much easier to buff things mid season than to nerf them.

I don’t think the WA or Unbridled Rage nerfs were needed, but barb still has 3x the number of weapon tempers a Sorc gets and their key passives still do equal or better damage compared to the Sorc ones.


Why ?, so that builds and skills that weren’t particularly buffed for that season trail by a factor of 200x or even thousands ?

See I find this hard to believe, what about pit 200 ? :slight_smile:

The whole thing is a problem with a fallback, either make balance acceptable or go to the bitter end

Monsters at pit 200 have HP amount of 43 trillion * lvl100 regular HP amount, you’ll MOST DEFINITELY need trillions of damage to come even close to that

The more important things are for the game to feel like a normal playing game (or at least decently normal playing game), and not punish people severely for trying things out on their own to trail by 200x factor or whatever

IF the game continues being about “big numbers” that “one shot” then guess what => all the “endgame” activities and runs having a successful RNG rate of a particular reward gain rate at below 1% is also normal

In other words - content designed to be easy is content designed to be farmed, and content designed to be “farmed” normally also follows a very low successful rate on reward drops

Can’t have it both - either design the game where there will be 10-20 runs but with ~7-10% success rate for a particular drop, OR make it 100-200 runs with 0.7% success rate on drops (a.k.a. exhausting BS of “I did 150 Duriel runs and no drop”)

Guess what people - you encourage that c*-appy design of chase of “power fantasy”, you get c*-appy rewards in return

And frankly that epic and legendary stupidity of Rob and his army of blindly following the rhetoric of “game is about loot” must stop

Game is ALREADY about loot, waaay too much even if you ask me, so the real question is:

WHY are you not entertained now ? :person_shrugging: :slight_smile:

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What exactly is cool about melting everything in seconds?

I don’t get you people. The rule of cool should be to have a dark and grim difficult horror adventure.

This flipping fast paced brain dead clickfest is a travesty of a diablo and nothing more.

And you actualy fuel the fire of this travesty with all the complain about nerf this and nerf that.


No, no Barb won’t. Because when Blizzard nerfs something into the dirt they keep it there for a good long while, if not forever.

Blizzard simply can’t do balance. WoW players know this. They will also make sure a new class is OP for a season or two so that it’s well received by the player base and has good play metrics. It justifies development time spent on the class. “See, they love it!” Think Death Knight on release.

Personally I’ll still roll a barb. I always play warrior or barbarian. If it sucks I simply won’t play the game.

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They nerfed EVERY KEY PASSIVE BARB HAS, some got nerfed even harder than Gushing Wounds! Are you god damned serious right now?! Can’t you actually look at the patch notes before spouting off this nonsense!?

Remember how much math is in this game all it takes is some random hidden variable to change to negate apparent nerfs.

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I literally mentioned every key passive. None of them got nerfed more than GW. All the other nerfs were in the 20-30% range. Here’s what I said:

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Unconstrained went from giving your DwB a 75% bonus to a (whopping) 10%, that’s a bit more than just “20%” don’t you think? And WA is Multiplicative with itself, so it used to be about a 70% damage multiplier with 20% uncapped IAS, and now that’s down to 38% with a 10% uncapped IAS. So a passive that nobody used got slashed by basically 50%. Fun.

It went from being 200% to being 135%. 135/200 = .675, so the nerf was 32.5% as I said.

Even if it was multiplicative for each bonus, that would mean it went from 202% DPS (counting the IAS) to 152%, which is a 25% reduction in damage.


Yeah okay there’s no point in arguing with you, you don’t get how math works at all.

I know you’re freaking out so hard you can’t see straight, but the math is the math.


Yeah and you don’t seem to grasp it at all, it’s like your blind hatred of the entire class is stopping you from thinking clearly on it

Didnt rob also panic over rogue double dipping in s4?

Might just be wired that way, idk as i dont watch.

If hes as good as people were saying, he’ll make it work if anyone can. If no, maybe hes hard carried by an overperforming class.

So you mean making Diablo 4 into a souls game. Great suggestion.

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No, if all classes have closer margins of performance than they do now, the devs can tweak the world accordingly.


Thats not correct.
Berserking always gives a 25% damage bonus, also without unconstrained.

Unconstrained increased the damage bonus to 100% → so 75% bonus.
In Season 5 the damage bonus would be increased the damage to 35% → so 10% bonus.

Or how you would calculate:
In S5 the damage bonus from unconstrained would be (((1.35/1.25) - 1)*100) = 8%
In Season 4 it was 60% (((2/1.25)-1)*100)=60%

But hey, a damage bonus from 60% to 8% is a net loss from 32,5%, are you sure about that?

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It’s like the stupid stat bucket thing. It’s better not to repeat the garbage they come up with.

The effect on your actual damage when using the passive is a 32.5% decrease in damage. Before you got 1.6x, now you get 1.08x, 1.08/1.6 = .675. Yes, I am sure of this.

yes the overall damage lost if the key passive is used.
and if i don’t use any key passive instead it’s only a lost of 37,5% damage.

so overall we have maybe the first key passive it’s not worth to take it.

but that doesn’t change the fact that the key passive itself has been nerfed by more than 32.5% and that was the original point, not the statement about how less the damage would be after the nerfes.
the key passiv would be nerfed, from a 60% damage bonus to a 8% damage bonus.
and for the key passiv itself its a 87% nerf. (1-(8/60))*100.

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