The reality Diablo fans are facing

Flight felt amazing but it was obnoxiously rubber bandy. The gunplay was, like I said, incredible. Being a big ol chonkyboi and building a shield slam titan and just running around chonking everything was so satisfying on such a different level it’s wild. The world looks incredible.

Then it falls apart. No hub local, so they hamfisted the town and loading screens into everything to sell cosmetics which just, unsurprisingly makes everything a chore. Iirc grouping up was fairly straightforward at least because a multiplayer looter kinda needs to have a grouping mechanism (who knew blizzard, huh?) but itemization was atrocious. Like +machine gun damage on shotguns bad, and it was impossible to ret good loot till a bug made world chests drop good loot, which people farmed, which they THREW AN ABSOLUTE TANTRUM OVER and patched, threatening to ban people who were “abusively exploiting” (read: flying around looting world chests", which, went about as well as you would expect it to and they quickly backed down and shut up.

The story was complete nonsense and made no sense. There was a guy who pieced together the story and figured out that the story that made it into the game is not actually the story… it’s all out of order, they just cut it all up to throw something complete together and push it out the door… he had random npc chat and whatnot to put the story in it’s proper timeline and it made more sense but it was clearly not finished in that iteration. No idea what happened to that video it was a long time ago.

All the issues aside, if it’s on sale for like 5$ and the servers are still online (no idea) it’s worth picking up just to fly around and shoot stuff. It feels incredible. I had such high hopes…

Well said!


If you didn’t read the booklet included in the CD case ARE YOU EVEN REALLY A FAN AT ALL?!

Also, as an investor (both ATVI and MSFT) I would absolutely prefer a complete product that people love and play for 20+ years over having to constantly pay development costs to build brand new iterations because the previous ones keep failing, until the IP is a burned out husk that is no longer an asset.

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I thought, you talking about Diablo 4, until the shotgun part

I dont know why anyone who loved Diablo based on D1 and D2 would still be holding up hope for blizzard and this IP. Its been like 20+ years and two games that should be enough to prove that D2 was the end of it all and the real D3 is POE. I mean we had MRS Diabla in D3 and now some side dish character Lillith…wheres the diablo?

I love the IP too, but seeing D4 as a massive downgrade from D3, which missed the mark entirely…the people who made D2 are not working here. The people making Diablo dont even seem to be big into ARPG games, which is probably why its just a campaign pasted on top a basic ARPG (at best)


The reality is that Blizzard North does not exist anymore and the name Blizzard has been sold as marketing product for Activision. And every game which has been released or maintained by Activision is just destroyed.

Diablo 1 and 2 aint returning, nor wow vanilla or anything of the sort. Thats the reality. Another reality is that a large majority got scammed by buying this game.


I was at the moment I bought this game. And now they pull my utters but hey, I won’t give milk anymore.

so you were buying things off the store previously and now you arent?

huh ?

I like the game, but I’m aware it needs big improvements. Season 2 needs to be amazing. If it’s just S1 with Vampires that isn’t a good thing. I’ve been 100 and finished the season weeks ago. Currently my play consists of doing the WB once a night, and maybe a few NM dungeons and logging off. There’s nothing new to do or grind for after 100.

No, but it does feel sketch.

It is much easier to forgive a game that is either F2P, or has a box cost, but free after that.

Here though, you have a box cost, paid battle passes, and a store. So they are not only double-dipping, but it feels like they want funding for a title that still isn’t ready for prime time.

The initial campaign was fun, but it feels like no one at Blizzard ever bothered testing for what happens once you beat the game and attempt to continue playing.

blizzard announced what the game was meant to be. live service seasons with a determined end point during the season. this was announced the previous year. the product promised, was delivered.

the only sneak attack here is the yearly paid expansions, i dont think that was announced til this year.


Curently i did not uninstall diablo 4 and il give Season 2 a go but the problem will still be there even if they add end game content. Itemisation its still extremely bad.

Meanwhile Diablo 3 Hardcore SSF Leaderboards seem fun

I don’t understand. How does it help them sell cosmetics if they actively discourage all social interaction?

One of the biggest complaints people had about the idea of an open world Diablo was that they wanted to be able to play without having other people in their game. So the devs made sure the density of other players was very low. I occasionally see others, but it doesn’t bother me because they generally haven’t prevented me from doing anything and it’s kind of fun to see what others are up to.

The idea of people coming together for a world boss or helltide or legion event is a huge plus to the game. No stupid browser for some open game that happens to be doing what you want, just go to the location and you are linked with others. If they buffed World Bosses to really be mega challenges with powerful drops, added glyph shards that give 1 XP as drops out in the world and in helltides / legions, and did more with the campfires, I think the social aspects would be dramatically improved.

In other words, I don’t think a big LfG browser and an auction house is the way to solve social interaction in the game. The way to solve it is to push people together more. Put some vendors and a stash at the campfires before legions. Add a campfire for World Bosses. Let players set their home WP (TP location) and make one city in the world where all the vendors are extremely close tougher (so that people congregate there).

Basically, beef up all the content where the game naturally pushes players together and then take advantage of natural downtime (waiting for an event start, processing loot) to provide opportunities to trade or chat.

Get unstuck…Go play other games. Its working for me! lol

Sounds like you have way too much of your personality wrapped up in being a diablo player. D2 was like 25 years ago. You can move on. You don’t HAVE to play a game just because it’s a diablo game.


Some people like specific things. I like Diablo.

dont buy the game, dont buy cosmetics, dont buy expansions, that is putting your foot down, until that happens, nothing will change, and it wont.


Because THEY can’t be real fans can they? Shill statement.

I doubt that, people were concerned about lag, hardware burdens, and of course, the lack of choices in this regard as you once-again, cannot play offline.

this was because of hardware limitations and extremely poor coding, they added heaps of layers because the game becomes unplayable with more than a handful of people on the screen.

if you want people to be more social, bring back world chat/class chat like D3 had, its pathetic that i cant talk to whoever wants to read what im typing in game, i never felt soo isolated playing D4, in Grim Dawn just last month i had randoms join my games, play with me and chat away all the time, without me even asking, a game with a 4 player max count on your own hosted server gave me 100x the social experience of D4. Soul vs Soulless slop. Simple.


Limbo for me is not knowing whether or not the developers are going to address the massive elephants like itemization and end game.

I know there are new QoL things coming which is nice, but at the same time it’s not really clear if they will ever try and tackle affix bloat, lack of chase items and things like that right now? I would really just like them to state whether or not these things will be addressed in the future.

It would be nice to have an answer and not get strung along, though.

That’s why it’s better to escape reality instead of worrying about it. I’m playing Returnal, Cult of the Lamb and Rise of the Tomb Raider right now instead ^^;