The Pit Boss One-Shot-Mechanics are unfair!

Because there’s a big difference between “too easy” and “dead in 1 shot.”

What Diablo hasn’t been able to do well since the early days of D3 is any form of extended combat where your choices matter.

It’s either you murder everything almost instantly or you get murdered almost instantly.

I remember early D3 fighting with elite packs. It took like 2-3 minutes to fight those packs. Sometimes I died. But I had to make constant decisions about how to deal with the affixes the elites were throwing at me and how I was damaging the elites. Since then, those kinds of decisions are pretty much gone.

These days there’s none of that. They ALMOST get there with the Blood Maiden in the Helltide, in that it takes a bit to kill her - but her mechanics are usually murdering you outright. Same with the Hellborne you summon - early on it takes a bit to kill one, but one screw up and you’re probably dead.

Hell, half the time I never even know what killed me.


The bosses are def a ton harder than they used to be. Have max resists 75% because of tyrael might,17k life (apparently its low but im sorc so ???), 85% armor reduction, greater dmg resist on tibault, ect and I die more than I have even in AoZ in 50-60 pits but I just cant kill boss fast with winterglass so I am having to dodge so many attacks.

very fair, super fair, stupid fair

125k life is possible?

At what pit level do the guaranteed 1shots start to happen or are very likely at least? I haven’t gotten that far up yet but so far it isn’t very different from NM dungeons - I try to avoid getting hit but I can also take a few hits when things don’t go to plan. Playing hardcore with a more defensive build… don’t want to be surprised by an instakill lol.

hahaha how bad somenoen has to be to not move from that UBER telegraphed skill ahahahahahahahaahah

DODGE! #20DragonBalls

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Ok…so on top of dodging dark souls…you must also heal (fill) the tank. If you are able to use the unique powers of Temerity and Selig…you suddenly have ‘tripled’ your reaction time to these ‘1-shots’. I have 3 meters (4, if you can fortify) by which to observe these haymakers in action…and enough time to take correction action. It is not mr science, rocket.

they are not dodge able when some are off screen also why are we debating this. the oneshot mechanics are garbage right now. just uncap armor for pit progression. its that simple. make an incisive to dedicate armor for high level nm dungeons.

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yea dodge right but lets get real here. dude is max hp/ max shield/ max fortify/ max res/ “armor cap” aka the issue. why is there a full one shot mech that no matter if you are built maxed out stats will kill you? theres no living through that dmg? come on… how bad do you have to rekt yourself to realize and admit the truth. why is there 1shot mechs? at what point can you build to negate that dmg? the game doesnt have it. thats the point we are making here. theres no building to negate that mech. uncap armor tho and people can do pit progression and its not about who can do the most dmg and play like rat trying to not take dmg

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If you think 1 shot kill is OK. Wait until you reach Pit90+ where shadow attacks come in every 5 sec and each does 3 combo, plus a barely visible tornado that booms when it reaches you (also 1 hit kill), and the boss spawns permanent poison pools around himself and your vision is blocked by coconut trees.


Diablo is a gear based game.
Diablo is about the perfect build.

Why would you make a mechanic where gear and build don’t matter?

If dodging is all that counts, just drop their hp to nothing and make us fight them naked with no skills and we can just punch them to death between dodges.


The people actually defending this crap blow my mind. This isn’t dark souls, it’s freaking diablo.


I don’t mind skill based gameplay…

I am however, deeply confused when I watch streamer vods clearing 100+ pits and blatantly eating an occasional stray shot

When I have double their health, the same gear affixes as their own guides, max armor/resists and still get instantly clapped if anything even brushes my arm in the mid 50s…

I was expecting the UBER bosses to be hard with a ton of 1 shot level attacks… I wasn’t expecting to cross the 1 shot theshold in the 50s.


holy fudge, two shadow elias near the end of the video. That one hit skill sometimes blurs out when you’re also doing skill e.g. corpse tendril

this right here is the problem.


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in which level of pit do you get one shot ? if you’re like pit 130 isn’t it normal ?

i actually like one shot mechanic in solo games , at last you have something to react and not just faceroll your keyboard.

because im entitled to voice my opinion just like everyone else, which is - one shot mechanics are fine.

Probably it would be fine.

IF the visual effects are noticeable.

And how OP want balance boss dmg against barb that got 125k life and tons dmg reduction vs sorc that got 25k? If shadow boss hit for 25k is still oneshot for sorc and silly dmg for barb. So barb on god mode next season? Oneshots on few attacks are fair for everyone. You all got dodge.

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