The Pit Boss One-Shot-Mechanics are unfair!

one-shot mechanics shall not exist in aRPGs, those are for Super Mario games


LOL, you should fight outlaw sharpshooter boss all day long, that is your game. Have fun dodging


The hare embarrasses themselves by reaching the finish line first and going home…the tortoise realizes there was one more lap to go and wins. :black_heart:

You get invincibility frames while dodging in souls likes. Thats why it’s common habit to roll into attacks instead of dodging away from them. That would kinda fit in here too especially now with these pit bosses.

Wouldnt help that much against uber lilith aoes and floor is lava mechanics but surely against one shot projectiles.


Ahh sort of like a well-timed teleport? Why TP is poetically bis in the entire game, always has been…ocu?

Problem of this game it will die if this trends continues. I will not buy expansion pay anything until they solve the problem.

The fix is bring Diablo 3 since brought back life per second and life per hit. To me they need bring cap stone back and game be mainly perfect.

One shot mechanic is bad add anti heal game if you want to make immortal builds vunable

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Well these are all rolls. No teleports.

Since everything here has a cooldown it isn’t as easy than memorizing attack patterns and just roll with perfect timings.

It would be pretty nice if every class here has either a mobility skill with iframes or just having the standard roll having some. The problem then would be again people complaining that dodging requires skill.

I know a lot of people here just want to overcome these problems with sheer tankiness but that isn’t happening.

Not sure if I’d call them one shot mechanics when some classes can stand in them and laugh.

well, not everything the boss does is a one shot, so defense and resistances are hardly pointless. i mean hey, drop your armor and resistances and have a try on the bosses.

not anymore. you get a stacking debuff. depending on your survivability stuff becomes a oneshot after 3 stacks++


I know it can be difficult to detect my sarcasm, but I am cereal atm…what if they gave the option to make evade briefly immune, like how mages can time tp to be immune for that brief moment. I enjoy running that annoying nmd lightning affix specifically to blast thru it and iframe the entire instance in order to train the timing properly (sort of an f-u to that timer, close your eyes and listen to the metronome). Same can be done with Lilith spikes.

That is great to hear! I may actually go fight her now!

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Just want to make sure that you know that you don’t have to just run lower tiers for lower tier mats. You just exchange the higher tiered mats at the alchemist for bundles of the lower tiered mats.

yea have a shot. the fight is way more forgiving, but keep in mind to pack a lot of dmg, they also boosted her defenses quite a bit, so you cant really one shot her at all.

so basically you HAVE TO fight the mechanics now, but they became more forgiving.


Yes! I like that, it encourages more people to realize balanced builds.
Since I quickly got dps checked with my tanky builds, I realized it was time to load up on ordnance…so the past 2 days are being spent learning how much ap my legacy setup can achieve. Hit 72k yesterday (from 20-30k), and I hope to achieve 80-90k today.

Actually sorcs flame shied is immune to lilith spikes. Thats how I was able to defeat her in S2. The key is knowing when to pop it.

I agree 100%. However, don’t you think that 5+ mins to stay focused is a little too much for any human?

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currently at tier 67 with 23k hp, i guess no reason to bother with hp anymore then lol

Was trying out The Pit w/ my L100 Upheaval Barb with about 95% near BiS gear/stats, all around T4 Masterwork Upgrades on gear while my 2H Hellhammer is at T8. Safe to say, I can comfortably run through Pit Level 30 with little effort to obtain the maximum crafting mats I need to upgrade my gear from T1-T4. However, when engaging the Pit Boss and their shadow clone, it get’s bothersome. I can relate to some of the issues here players are expressing. Although, I do have Leap and Charge to “dodge” away from incoming shadow clone attacks, however, the “one, two combo” when they’re attacking at the same time get’s a bit frustrating. We’re here to fight the Pit Boss itself, not their shadow clone which in-game bosses like Lilith or Elias can spawn, who are Capstone end bosses. The Shadow Clone makes that encounter more engaging, sure, but it should not be part of the boss when the Pit Boss can have separate attacks added to their rotation.

Personally, I think this was a lazy attempt to make the Pit Boss engaging just throwing in another “boss” you cannot attack but main just dodge their “1-shot” mechanic attacks. I still don’t understand WHY in 2024 with Diablo 4 there’s still 1-shot mechanics. It’s never been fun and it’s always been suggested to either remove or reduce the damage dealt that these “1-shot” mechanics can do. It’s been a bothersome issue since launch and for these “fun” 1-shot mechanics to stay live speaks volumes why the team won’t budge to understand from the community as a whole that 1-shot mechanics is NOT FUN, for ANY ARPG. I has never been fun.

Just because Level 100 Hardcore players can defeat Uber Lilith even with her 1-shot abilities does not mean the consensus as a whole the 1-shot mechanic stays because “they” can do it.

“Well, if Hardcore players can do it, so can you!” :roll_eyes: what a mentality…right, because every human that’s playing Diablo 4 has the reaction time of a nanosecond to telegraph her incoming attacks. Hardcore or not, 1-shot mechanics have claimed the very lives of Sanctuary. It’s funny how The Butcher and Uber Lilith have claimed more lives because of constant Crowd Control (CC) and 1-shot mechanics. F U N :rofl: :man_facepalming:

I still haven’t defeated Uber Lilith on any of my geared Level 100 toons since Season 1 mainly because after 30-40 attempts, getting her down to 25% HP (my all time lowest from any Seasonal toon) due of her fun “1-shot mechanics” just isn’t worth banging my head against a brick wall. I don’t need to join a group to “carry” me to defeat Uber Lilith, the 1-shot mechanic is more than enough for me not just to not care anymore no matter how much Armor, HP, defensives and offensives I have in my arsenal, those 1-shot mechanics will still trash you no matter what. Whatever… :roll_eyes:


Yesss…but TP is always up with minimal investment. I don’t like being beholden to any one spell. I am just saying, if you are a sorc…and also a capable ds player…you actually have iframes in diablo. The entry cost? 1 point into teleport, or 0 if you are lucky enough to find an Ocu.

Honestly…you have just helped me to realize, sooner than later, that Lilith is now a proper pit boss…and that I may finish tuning my build simply by running her over and over again until the carpal finger sets in…and the tiger balm comes out. :black_heart:
And the beauty of it all? If your build is indeed ready…it doesn’t matter if all your gear is broken…it will be very clear. No need to blow your money trying to figure her out.

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