The in-game bug report dialog is convenient, but worse than just using the forums in almost every other way.
- You can’t see if anyone has already reported the bug
- The description field is so short you can describe only the simplest of bugs
- It doesn’t support formatting
- You can’t edit your report or post additional information if you learn something new about the issue
- Other players can’t see your report to respond or add more information
It feels contradictorily like the best chance for having your feedback actually seen, and like a black hole.
I’m guessing point one is by design. When I release a test version of something, I use the volume of reports about different issues as a factor in assigning urgency. i.e. if more people are bothered enough by something to report it, then it should likely get a higher priority. If everyone can see what other people submitted, they may be less likely to submit even though it bothered them 
It would be nice to be able to see your own reported issues and add to them, like a ticket system
That seems like a rather inefficient way to gauge impact when you could just have a +1 button, and then you wouldn’t have to read 1,000 different attempts to articulate the same problem.
I suppose but different people notice different things, so there may or may not be different supporting information in different peoples reports that can help understand situational bugs. So the diamonds may be quicky surfaced by data mining those 1000 different articulations with AI
Consider these hypothetical variants of reporting the same issue
Portals are broken
I cant port to my party members
after using blacksmith i cant use portal
i ported out of dungeon and now i cant port back
The bug could actually only occur if you were in a party, left a dungeon, used the blacksmith and tried to go back via a party members portal. you would never know that from one post and +1 especially if the +1 was on the first post.
with the four separate reports, you can quickly see from an AI generated summary that there are 4 reports for portal or porting and then click into that to find details that tell you how to start trying to recreate the bug