The first time ive said this about any diablo game

I said stash is trash. :slight_smile:

Never forget: patent/US20160005270A1

And I can’t believe ppl actually bought the new druid armor which is 40%-60% parts form one of the base free armors but with diff cloak and some chest piece changes.

(I don’t care about trade -if you could work towards something- if it’s not on an AH with searching it’s a chore for me. Either way, needing external tool means it sucks as it is now.)

The point I forgot was that most of those problems, when solved, slowly (too slowly because Sony certification nonsense which I’m not even sure I believe, or care since it’s their problem), don’t really change it from boring…which…it’s not…except from ppl that seem to want the ‘wrong’ (<-partially subjective) things to something else.

At best it will make it last longer.