The day is here for Pre-Loading Diablo 4 early!

Yes, that does work. I see that as “Today 7:00 PM” which is accurate for my time zone on the East Coast of the US.

Umm…and clicking on it shows other time zone. How very cool.

How did you do that? I remember WyomingMyst using some of us MVPs as testers to view his posts for time zones, but I never asked how he did it.

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[date=2023-05-31 time=01:00:00 timezone=Europe/Berlin]

Just enter the date, time and time zone and it should convert it automatically for everyone else.

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If I want the timezone to be East Coast US what do I use? Also is the time in 24 hour time notation? I would assume so.

Something like America/New York maybe?

Grrr. first test failed.

Mhhh… can’t get it to properly work with other time zones either.
Looking for a list or guide right now, but can’t really find anything.



[date=2023-05-30 time=19:00:00 timezone=America/New_York]

And for the OP he would want to make it easy and do Blizzard time which would be

[date=2023-05-30 time=16:00:00 timezone=America/Los_Angeles]

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This should be really useful for future event announcements etc.

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Thanks for the kick to learn something new today :slight_smile:

Oh, and this was the first google result I got that gave me a bit of info on syntax. I was missing the underscore between the two words in the city name. Which is really stupid of me. I should know better.

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If by fixed you mean made them the worst Class then sure. :rofl:

Also don’t understand this logic. It’s like you never played a Necro in the other games. The whole point is to have powerful minions fight for you.

BTW there is no need to learn a complex syntax…

Right after the smiley icon in the editing window, there is a small calendar icon (it offers a simple and an advanced mode)

I can’t wait for:

& just a random example:
Coordinated Universal TimeCoordinated Universal Time


Well, that makes it a lot easier :sweat_smile:

Not only European, there system is so confusing, that the american army only says “19-hundred” aka 19-00 and so on, and totaly skipped it in warfare situation, were time needs to be precise.

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