The Case in Favor of a S4 Auction House 🏠

Here are 3 of my last trades in dtrade site.

1] Buying item. Put in required gold and accept. Price had been agreed on. Buyer puts in item and then just sits there. Finally cancels it and then said price went up as another guy is paying more in discord. I match. Goes up 3 more times. I match. I win again but buyer ghosts me and sold it without telling me to third buyer for less than I was originally going to pay. WTF

2] Selling item. Im selling for 1B. Guy comes and wants and puts 5B in trade. I say um what it was 1B. Guy insists it was 5B and hits accept. I hit accept and wonder how the eff did I just make extra 4b??? Guy never said anything after like wrong item or price or anything. Just pays 4B extra.

3] SElling very high value focus. Auction it in one day and 6 differnt ppl buy at 15B or 14B. All 6 ghosts me next day and have to settle for 12B.

ITs such a terrible way to trade. I did like the 4 extra billion one though. Thanks my guy!