Tempest Roar does not exist

B-but what are these things taking up space in my stash?

(Quick, someone distract him while I doctor these images in MS Paint!)

I just sold my 4th one because I needed gold for respec. Don’t whine but grind…

Been grinding for weeks.

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Tempest roar drop rate needs a nerf IMO, I’ve found 2 and I’m only lvl 70. Helltides and both nm dung drop rates should be decreased by ~80%.

You are out of your god damn mind if you seriously think that. Everybody complains about it not dropping. Also: dont believe you actually got any. u* **u.

Wearing it right now: https: //ibb .co/F5KjBkh

I think the drop rate was increased significantly with the latest patch, Blizz needs to dial it back ASAP.

You having a lucky loot seed & pseudo-rng rolls for drops doesn’t mean that there is anything in need of dialing back.

Enjoy your excess uniques, but don’t act like your experience or the experiences of the vocal Trolls on the forums overrules the experiences of hundreds of others. (It doesn’t.)

200 user reports & counting.

EDIT: The dev’s already stated it’s a build defining Unique, they are aware of its power, that there are only 6 Uber-Unique Chase Items currently in the game & that the build defining Uniques are not intended to be anywhere near as rare as the Uber-Uniques like you are suggesting.
(My apologies I didn’t mean to imply YOU were a Troll, I was referring to the 10 or so actual Trolls that stalk & harass me any time I post about tempest roar.)

Not trolling, werenado build is too strong atm and allows you to down bosses in seconds, bypassing any mechanics. That kinda power should only be obtainable via chase uniques.

Also people need to stop farming in WT3 for TR. Keep grinding those high tier nm dung.

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You can also play wearbear that is just outright unkillable so can just stand in all the mechanics and not care. Though you again need the 2 uniques in order to pull the build off

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I mean pulv isn’t bad but it is nothing compared to werenado. Pulv is lacking single target DPS.


While it lacks the dps of werenado its gains the benefit of being unkillable. My werenado build is fine for NM 70-90 but for uber lillith kill and NM 100 I went the wearbear build as nothing got past the refresh of fortify/barrier health to actually be a threat.

I mean you have fortify too with werenado, and you’re healing like crazy because of all the crits w/ masochistic.

The druids breezing through T100 and Uber Lilith are werenado. Pulv is way too slow.

Im not saying anything negative about werenado its super strong. Point being is wearbear while slower is just as viable at doing said content. The downside is yes less dmg and slower. Upside greater survivability and 0 risk.

yeah because at level 96 like I am people grind wt3… sure…

The level of NMDs doesn’t affect your loot drops, if that’s what you’re implying. You’re going to get the same loot whether you’re on 21 or 100.

No one saying they can’t get one to drop is doing WT3. We all doing as many helltides and Highest NM dungeons we can as much as possible. I keep getting the shift ring or 1%-250% gloves, boots and thorn chests xD

Got to world tier 4 soon as possible skipped 3 ran with friends til 70. Nearly 90 no drop :frowning:

I just got one last night from Cultist Refuge Tier 49 nightmare dungeon run as a dungeon clear reward. It’s my 8th one. That’s mainly where I get them actually. Either from a mob or as the reward. Just gotta keep running it till you get it.

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Don’t give up, I got it today after picking up 20 bear unique helm. I bet once you got it, it will rain. I got a lot of crone since my first one.

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I wish I get a lot of Greatstaff of Crone. I’ve only managed to get 3 so far for the past 3 weeks. Only one (my lower item power and lv83) has high stat rolls. The other ones at lv100 were all low stat rolls with high item power. Made no sense.

Thank you for the tip and the words of encouragement, X3US and ImmortalKing. I am just so frustrated with getting Vasily’s Prayer. I am 98 now and I have 12 Vasily’s for 0 Tempest Roars and having zero interest in running the werebear build.

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