Stop whining about Tempest Roar

So I got one TR 2 weeks after been lvl 100, this morning dropped for me… I can’t play for a week cause I’m going in holyday and then I will use it 3 days before a season… this game is becoming a joke.

No because you are taking away the specialty of the unique that gives it making it a poor unique that already has locked stats you cant enchant…More aspects = more builds. Specifically more builds that can handle max end game content. That idea you mentioned literally adds nothing new to the druid class. It just makes a select people who want a top tier build happy. All items are acquirable. There is no guarantee that every player will get every drop they desire in what you consider a reasonable time. The ultra rare uniques are an example of this. Many people will never see one, but they are in the game. There was never a promise made by the devs or anyone that you will have everything you desire. I am done replying to you though. Asking me such a question is just bait to make another stupid remark. You even went as far as to looking up my character apparently? I never said I didn’t use tempest roar, heck iv had it since level 60 and have tried several builds. Good job “calling me out” because I use an item you cant seem to get yourself.

It sounds to me like you are just arguing to gatekeep builds reliant on the helm without a willingness to actually understand the underlying systems of the game keeping users from obtaining certain items.

Enjoy your willful ignorance & this Ignore!

I’ve never gotten TR drop and I could care less. Pushing 51+ just fine at level 85. I agree with OP in that people should just try to play without it. Diablo has always been a game where the loot you get dictates the form of your character until super late game.

Both wolf and bear helms and armors should be among aspects, not as uniques.

Like, why the hell do druids even have “you get 390 thorns” aspect?
Or “increase max spirit by 10”.

Build defining things like those helms and armors should be accessible.


I have 2 tempest roars and I wish I could give one of them to another druid, but this game isn’t trade friendly.


No its because werewolf is dog sht without having TR

Pulverize is so far ahead of any wolf build without TR its a joke

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Because you are not able to create any sensible build without tempest roar, that does not mean they are not exist. Really. And if your only goal is to kill uber Lilith, then well… you also can do poison-shred build.

Play pulverize then?

D4 end game currently lacks purpose that you could play any trash build anyway.

Pulverize isnt bad.
But its single target us horrible.
And the higher you push, the worse it gets.

Pulverize is great build to farm or speedfarm 31-40 NM dungs with high density, where you can easily do the boss.

Otherwise… Id rather play stormwolf.
(If I had stupid crone staff)

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I love how now days only the absolute top tier of anything is considered “viable.”

The problem is that entire end game is about pushing higher level NMs and doing Uber Lilith- which require top tier builds to have a chance.


Uber Lilith, sure, but there’s no benefit to pushing a higher NMD other than just because.

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While gear wise, it’s not great, there are challenges to shoot for. I’m not saying its a worthwhile system- god knows I have no desire to play content where enemies just one shot you with every attack and negating 95% of the builds- it’s still all they really have for end game.

The only other thing they really have is speed farming lower NMs, where there are msny more visble builds, thankfully. But that feels like a useless hamster wheel sometimes.

Stop whining about people whining about tempest roar so that I can stop whining about people whining about people whining about tempest roar.

Yo dawg, I heard you like whining about…

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Thank you for whining about people whining!

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