Stop whining about Tempest Roar

I honestly don’t care that i don’t have tempest roar. What i care about is that items that define builds are being made into chase items. Effectively turning a seasonal character into a gamble. On a class that literally only has 2 viable builds and to take one away and hide it behind a chase item. . .that is awful. Im totally down with loterry items like shako because it doesnt define the build if you need extra levels on a skill you can get them on gloves or boots or whatever. But to change how a skill functions fundamentally is way more prevalent. And i hope the devs are reading this crap cuz i know POE2 devs are and they are taking notes.


You get it. Half of this forum has become whining about tempest roar. Screw trying to create something viable. That 1 guy on youtube hits big numbers but i cant waaah! Give everyone free unique powers! We should all be so powerful. Sarcasm aside I would love more build defining uniques that these babies will surely cry over not dropping. Variety is the key to keep this game fresh.

Hahahaha should try the stoneclaw build, its free of unique and the only build currently doing tier 100 NM.

Careful, no one wants to hear that a rare item could be rare or a random drop could be random.

Tempest Roar is the secret 7th ultra rare, its a myth, like the cowlevel


You know what’s more boring than being able to play anything at anytime?
150+ hours without getting a specific Class Item to drop, locking out multiple builds for an entire season.
(d4armory .io/?account=EruEllimist-1162&hero=f38a3530-00d1-11ee-bf0f-790228f34fe1)

Enjoy your generous Loot Drops/Seeding, but don’t act like you getting two of something you don’t want to use means anything other than you got a lucky Seed/Drops.

Others have invested hundreds of hours without even seeing one of the item when they do want to use it.

As I have stated before & I think it bears repeating here;
“There is no problem for me, so there can be no problem for thee” is a heck of a mindset friend.

Enjoy your lucky drops but please don’t come to the forums and belittle the hundreds of us who aren’t enjoying the game as much as we could or want to because of the Pseudo-RNG*, Drop Rates & Loot Seeding.

(100+ user reports gathered in one location for reference)

*(No video game uses true RNG & no Pseudo-RNG is without it’s share of Outliers, Anomalies & Issues)


So self righteous. Bad luck is bad luck. Cant expect to get every drop in the game within a set period of time. I think games like this revolve around building with whatever you get…It is part of the fun. For me at least. Sorry you and 100+ other people are SOL. There will always be someone to complain about how life is unfair. Storm companion leggings are my rarest unique drop. I only have 3 of them, but no one is going to come to the forums to complain about its drop rate simply because it doesn’t lead to the top performing build…That is the only reason it is such a hot topic on the forums. AKA the place people go to cry about the game when it doesn’t live up to their standards. What the game needs is more aspects. What it does not need is to make unique items a guarantee for everyone.

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I think your post sums itself up quite well in the first sentence;
As far as your own self-righteousness & blatant lack of anything resembling courtesy, respect, empathy, consideration or compassion for others - I pity you for the clear lack of adequate parenting you received & I hope you become a better person for those unfortunate enough to interact with you in the future.

EDIT: Shocking, another self-centered, arrogant user dismissing this issue whose account doesn’t poll on D4Armory :clown_face:
UPDATE: DarkCloud is now (12+ hours later) showing up on D4 Armory; Guess who already has a Tempest Roar equipped to their LVL 97 Druid named “Dio” with 233+ hours logged to it? DarkCloud#11871 :clown_face: :-1:
d4armory .io/?account=DarkCloud-11871&hero=30f23ac0-00f6-11ee-8cd1-17a820737210

EDIT 2: I am here to try and help get resolved a potential loot seeding pseudo-rng algorithm issue/imbalance impacting a large number of users. You chose to call me self-righteous & spew a self-centered, disrespectful opinion at me for trying to do so. Don’t pretend to be victimized now just because I publicly called out your behavior for what it was.


The mid builds are trash. Congrats on enjoying trash mid builds. Want a cookie?

Very constructive reply. You have changed my life. I see your purpose on these forums now.

Sorry, I got TR. Seems that’s natural progression… Low, mid, and high tier.

Maybe, I am just reasonable and don’t expect to play high tier immediately.

Lol only two viable builds???

There should be ONE thread where people can whine about it, no need for 20 odd threads a day saying the exact same thing. I highly doubt the majority are grinding WT4 NMDs either. If they did they would eventually find one…I literally found 4 more this weekend.

At the risk of repeating myself in multiple threads, since you clearly are doing so without bothering to go back & read them after :clown_face:

Would the “Your base Storm Skills are now also Werewolf Skills” portion of “Tempest Roar” being added to an Aspect users could apply to another helm or item until they got “Tempest Roar” (as already suggested by numerous other users here on the forums) be a fair compromise in your opinion?

Or would that be too close to making the “unique items a guarantee for everyone” which is a concept that clearly offends you to such an extreme level you would call it self-entitled that users expect to be able to acquire items advertised as obtainable in a game they purchased within a reasonable time-frame?

So I got one TR 2 weeks after been lvl 100, this morning dropped for me… I can’t play for a week cause I’m going in holyday and then I will use it 3 days before a season… this game is becoming a joke.

No because you are taking away the specialty of the unique that gives it making it a poor unique that already has locked stats you cant enchant…More aspects = more builds. Specifically more builds that can handle max end game content. That idea you mentioned literally adds nothing new to the druid class. It just makes a select people who want a top tier build happy. All items are acquirable. There is no guarantee that every player will get every drop they desire in what you consider a reasonable time. The ultra rare uniques are an example of this. Many people will never see one, but they are in the game. There was never a promise made by the devs or anyone that you will have everything you desire. I am done replying to you though. Asking me such a question is just bait to make another stupid remark. You even went as far as to looking up my character apparently? I never said I didn’t use tempest roar, heck iv had it since level 60 and have tried several builds. Good job “calling me out” because I use an item you cant seem to get yourself.

It sounds to me like you are just arguing to gatekeep builds reliant on the helm without a willingness to actually understand the underlying systems of the game keeping users from obtaining certain items.

Enjoy your willful ignorance & this Ignore!

I’ve never gotten TR drop and I could care less. Pushing 51+ just fine at level 85. I agree with OP in that people should just try to play without it. Diablo has always been a game where the loot you get dictates the form of your character until super late game.

Both wolf and bear helms and armors should be among aspects, not as uniques.

Like, why the hell do druids even have “you get 390 thorns” aspect?
Or “increase max spirit by 10”.

Build defining things like those helms and armors should be accessible.