Steel Grasp needs some improvements

  1. The effective area needs to be increased.

  2. Pulling enemies with Steep Grasp should be 100% successful.

  3. For fighting against bosses, it would be nice if Steel Grasp can pull my barb towards them.

  4. Increase the speed of casting next skill after pulling enemy packs with Steel Grasp. Since, in some cases, I could not cast any skills immediately but needed to wait for a second. (Maybe it is a bug.)


I agree with all of this. Never thought about the Steel Grasp working as a Grappling Hook on Bosses. Considering the Boss mechanics, this makes a lot of sense. I would just be happy if it Pulled 100% of the time.

Honestly, I would add 1 more thing though:

  • Be able to Assign an Arsenal Weapon to it so that it can Proc Technique and all Lucky Hit. I mean, hell, the category is WEAPON MASTERY and you cannot assign a WEAPON to it.

Totally agree. As the unique item “Ancients’ Oath” is a two-handed axe, why don’t they allow us to assign the weapon type.

Right? Seems like some very basic design decisions were flat out overlooked. This stuff is obvious on paper. No testing required. Then again, I cannot imagine they are testing anything they are putting out anyway

Number 4 is literally why I drop the skill in the first place… Imagine you pull all elite and they are the one who act first and hit you, and you can’t move for like a second to do your next move


One of our only other abilities with guaranteed vulnerable uptime and its the clunkiest garbage ever. What is going on that i cant immediately cast again after the animation? What is the point of an ability to pull enemies close to you if they immediately run away or spread out before you can even hit them? Then you have kick, which is also clunky and ridiculous to use. So we get to rely on exploit for a measly 3 seconds on a long cooldown, which can be triggered by thorns so dont have any of that on your gear or else enemies will proc vulnerable before you even touch them. OR we can go into pressure point which for some ungodly reason is LUCKY HIT BASED. Its already low at 30% for core skills, why not just give it a 15% flat chance? Same thing just as terrible.

  • It needs to work like Corpse Tendrils and pull 100% of the time.
  • It needs to have a weapon assignable
  • Ancient’s Oath should stun, not slow, and it should pull you towards enemies who can’t be pulled (Chain Hook effect)
  • Butcher’s Cleaver should cast Steel Grasp on critical strike and/or when hit by a distant enemy.
  • It should be able proc bleeds and other cc effects with its direct damage.
  • It should generate fury with its direct damage.

This isn’t hard.


Would love to see this implemented

This man speaketh the truth.

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Seems like they could also add a legendary that turns you into one of those tethers so mobs that run away get pulled back too

This should be a bug.
Here are several cases that make the character stuck beside using Steel Grasp:

  1. Ground Stomp, if the enemies are too close and stunned.
  2. Enemies spawn at the position of the character.
  3. Enemies rush to the character that they partially overlap with the character.
  4. Sorc: Frost Nova freezes the enemies which are too close.

All of the cases share similar conditions, enemies are too close/partially overlap with the character.


I had a thought the other day to make Uniques better.

As long as Steel Grasp is on your skill bar it modifys WW to pull enemys in. Launching chains out. Would look so cool.

My only issue with steel grasp and rupture is both occasionally just get stuck/frozen for 1-2 seconds where your basic and core attack buttons do nothing

I just dont like the weird pause it SOMETIMES has even at + 60% attack speed

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If only steel grasp can apply a weapon type then it will be better… so we can actually get 2 weapon mastery that complement with walking arsenal

Ancient Oath needs to allow Steel Grasp to use said weapon as an Arsenal Weapon.

It is just sad how bad steel grasp is as a overall skill compared to Tendrils, especially with the new heart.

Great suggestions guy’s, i hope they implement them, the skill fits nice to thee barbarian, but not clunky as it is now, although i still use it with my lvl 55 upheaval deathblow and iron skin barb, got the iron skin so i dont blow up when i pull mobs because although i pull them and they are cced by being dragged yo me they always hit me without animation, so i pull and my hp goes down before i can cast, in NM dungeons its mostly a suicide move…

No, it should be part of the Base Skill considering it is a WEAPON MASTERY Skill without a WEAPON ASSIGNED TO IT.

It should always Pull enemies.

Vulnerable and Berserk need to each be 5 seconds.

It should Generate Fury.

Ancient Oath needs to turn your Steel Grasp into an AoE to function similar to Iron Maesltrom greatly increasing the Damage, Causing a Bleed, and reducing the Damage of enemies by 20% for 5 seconds.

this first of all! it breaks comboing and flow of weapon swapping -like getting dmg or crit chance on swap ( dmg on skill with new weapon or crit chance on Mortal Draw glyph or Walking Arsenal itself…) . this seems to be important part of combat design for barb - I dont get whats behind idea not to be able to assign weapon to it but I really hope they change this … it would be very simple buff

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… and this needs to be fixed asap as it happens constantly when using Steel Grasp

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