State of blizzard sorc s5

So while my damage seems to have grown exponentially (now im at 23k tick damage), the pit minions and boss health have had their health increased by the same rate, leaving sorcs with the same problems in s4. After 5 minutes on tier 117 pit boss, boss is still around 40% health.

Here were chief issues with s4:

1.) No damage
2.) One hits by boss

My personal Context:
1.) 8 paragon boards (wynter, control, stalag, tactician, elementalyst, destruction, enchanter, flamefeeder)
2.) 2004 int
3.) Max frigid fate
4.) 9200 armor
5.) 20% damage reduction all; 26% damage reduction close; 11% damage reduction burning; 31% damage reduction chilled
6.) Snowveiled aspect / shako / starless
7.) 13.5k health (which is low but manageable to survive 2 tiers with no deaths)
8.) Max tal rasha at 80% multiplicative damage

Some micro changes i can make:

  • Swap tibaults with regular pant with DR aspect at the cost of losing mana. This MIGHT help reduce one shots, but does nothing for the damage problem.
  • Get new version of Tibault and pair with snowveiled. New version has 15% damage reduction and health. Doesn’t fix damage problem.
  • Get Doombringer at the cost of damage (ie: losing an aspect on weapon).
  • Drop one of the 8 boards for 10% health increase… so about 14.7k health. But this is not enough to avoid one-shots.

So in summary, we are still stuck with S4 problems. Likely I will perform the first one above as a test while adding the new version of starless. I will try to use FOF to increase damage incrimentally

Did you get the new Blue Rose ring yet? It is supposedly a must have for any Blizzard sorc now.

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I have starless instead of blue rose. I will test out blue rose, but I can’t imagine it being better than starless. Starless picked up heavy crit chance and speed which is hard to beat.

S5 completely neutered my bliz sorcerer. It’s practically useless now. I’ll be looking to see if anyone can figure out how to fix it. I’m getting destroyed by Pit bosses 15 levels below where I was comfortably winning yesterday.

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What is your top tick damage? If youre under 24m dps, you need to rework your boards. I have given some tips above.

That being said, im stuck at pit 117.

I haven’t tested pits but I can one shot blood maiden with blue rose but their seems to be bug with it on masterworking specifically the double ice spike explode twice. I crit it masterworking twice and it stayed at 35% it should be closer to 50 or even 60% cause I have it at 12 masterwork now. Also I do not use tibualts so I will try it tomorrow and let you know what pit I do. I know I could do 110 before patch so we shall see.

I was clearing level 95 on the pits yesterday consistently. I get one shot by pit bosses at level 75 now. It took me a long time to get to get the paragon boards right for s4, and now it’s just feels like I’m starting over. Not sure what the point of the changes were. But I don’t think I have the energy or desire to noodle through this again.

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So yeah pretty much at the exact same point I was before the damage is still not there sadly. Ice Shards is pathetic why they changed the damage of blizzard to the stupid ice armor wake aspect I don’t know that aspect should be deleted period and move the dmg back to the blizzard aspect. Second either reduce the cooldown of flameshield say to 9 sec or 8 secs lol or elemental attunement reduce to like 8 or 7 secs. But the Ice shards just blows like absolutely terrible how it only got a 4 percent buff is pathetic i know they buffed core skills but their buff’s you don’t even notice sadly. Maybe it will get slightly better when they fix the Bug on Blue Roses double ice spike explosion chance but that will take a month so oh joy. So yeah 105 still lol pretty much exact same spot so tomorrow ill try tal and see what that does. If that is stronger then blue rose then blue rose needs to be buffed again lmao i will let you all know.

It actually isn’t used in the new guides sadly just like they put warmth all over the place now and barrier generation. This game is going to be so broken come the expansion I can just see it.

You guys are comparing S4 performance and Eternal in S5, right?


The performance was advertised as a major improvement. But sadly it was exactly how it felt in PTR: survivability and damage are actually worse than s4 for blizz.

I dont think PIT after 120 is doable with a blizz build.

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So what got nerfed? I thought overall it was mostly buffs for Sorc and there were also nerfs against monsters in S5.

Sorcerer damage was buffed only slightly and the defenses were barely buffed at all except for Ice Armor which doesn’t make up for the massive (if somewhat warranted) Flame Shield nerf.

Meanwhile, while boss HP was nerfed across the board and it’s noticeable everywhere else, at higher Pit levels even after the nerf it’s still too high, when before it was quite literally impossible to kill it in time after a certain point even if you somehow managed to survive.

Lastly, and most crucially, absolutely nothing was done to curtail the one shots which affect sorcerers the most because they’re still the squishiest class by a long shot. Basically, you have to be a masochist to want to push higher end content as a sorcerer. For my part I gave up on it a long time ago.

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I’m going to assume you did this testing on eternal after the patch?

Yes I am going to try a tal ring with Blue rose using avalanche aspect and see if I get enough resource but that is very tough to come by as well. We shall see. Pretty much they need to buff a heck of a lot more. The only build I am seeing is frozen orb that is it because it was buffed like crazy. I wouldn’t doubt that and fireball are best. Haven’t heard about those yet but they were considered s tier.

Frozen Orb seems very strong so far. Conjuration Mastery stacks are way up due to the affix change on the unique amulet. I also wonder if they removed the stealth cap of active conjurations as well. I surmise they must have in order for the stacks to reach so high.

Regearing and re-envisioning Sorc composition is a bit interesting here. The response below here is obviously over geared and thus still makes the class design categorically problematic without top end 1% type gear. Assuming you have it though as many eternal players do at this point:

Shako has armor, so this saves an affix role elsewhere for something better. Rounding out the defense is Doombringer and Tyreal’s uber. This is roughly 55-60% flat DR depending on masterworking and GA rolls. I’d even go so far as to suggest dropping Ice Armor and adding an offensive cool down.

New Fist of Fate clearly good for staggering needs for bossing, and Hydra buffs good for single target bossing DPS.

New Starless great for attack speed plus those core skill ranks. This also means we don’t need the Ancient Flame aspect either for attack speed and can free up some more offense to offset the Doombringer equipped.

Doombringer brings Tal Rasha bonus to 80%.

Tyreal movement speed also feeds Esu boots crit chance.

Overall, I feel it is Okay. It’s just a weird shift to HP and DR for defense instead of the original shielding for defense.

I feel my Firewall Sorc is stronger though compare to previous seasons. But my S5 comparison is mostly at the leveling stages since I haven’t reach my endgame build yet. When I say stronger it is relative to that context. I guess you are saying in the general scheme of things.

For the Flameshield, I think I like it better this time with the Flamebird enchantment (or whatever is that name). You get free enchantment and also drops meteorites. I feel the immunity is much useful now in a sense you can use it more often instead of waiting 2 mins.

I do like the cheat death mechanic before and I don’t see why Blizz has to change that because other players think it’s a cheat.

Good points overall btw.