Sorcerer is Hilariously Bad

lol he’ll figure it out when he gets to the nm dungeons


I wanted to type out something similar but you already typed it out. Seriously nothing else to say.


Blizzard is a machine with no vision or passion. “Turn out a Diablo a.s.a.p. as cheaply as possible” Kotick cried after the devs got embarrassed at the “April fool’s joke” Blizzcon. “Be sure to do the bare minimum and launch it a year early, that way they come to Diablo Immortal as planned” Kotick continued.

The lead designer and creative directors should be demoted or let go, fair or not. The vision for D4 was poor and the execution worse.

How does something non-functional get added to season 1? How is the new content so boring/useless/sparse for us? Upper management has to be accountable for green lighting this. Not that Kotick cares. Hopefully Microsoft will though, someday. This is the product of treating employees like dirt. No one cares at Blizz, the devs are trying to just get through the day. The devs act like the processors at my big financial firm. Totally detached and oblivious to their impact on the business.

I do think these balance changes are emergency measures and true reworks will come some day. Some day the devs will even learn our class name.

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No fool, no one gives a sh*t about helltides.

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Fair enough, that’s the one thing I wasn’t sure about either. It would be cool to see entire screens just filled with Sorc spell spam but the pessimist in me says it’s not going to happen. Maybe I’ve been super unlucky, but I’ve only had Umbral drop 3 times, 2 rolls of 2 and 1 of 3. I’m also hoping I did the math wrong and it’s a bigger buff.

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Yea, I was thinking if Omnipower interacts with mana cost reduction well and free cast mechanics like Avalanche and Supreme Inferno, you could make some interesting builds with Frozen Orb, Fireball or Chain Lightning and maybe even Ice Shards, but it also may not interact well at all and be complete trash.

IE: stacking +mana, mana cost reduction and avalanche + avalanche aspect + omnipower might result in a Frozen Orb machine gun spamming build, or the things might not interact well at all and your mana might still be consumed when you have a avalanche proc if omnipower’s mana thing is considered last and mana cost reduction might not let you increase the number of projectiles.

They really should have explained some of the heart mechanics with examples.

Yep… like so many other companies (video games or not), just trying to make as much money as quickly as possible with the least effort involved with no passion… I guess they’re minmaxing too. I also heard that the Diablo 4 team was shuffled around a lot, lots of people left/were let go including long time employees and people from the old Diablo teams, design leads, etc. and the game had no direction for a long time which I could definitely see considering what we ended up with. All of the Blizzard sexua- err… I mean “controversies” definitely didn’t help either. Sadly the norm for AAA companies these days it seems. “Lowly” devs get caught in the crossfire of over-promising and demanding higher-ups and investor expectations. Executives will ignore the dumpster fire as they swim in their bonuses from a “successful” launch, just like any other job.

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Wait a minute.
They made uniques that give you temporarily Resistance buffs… while admitting Resistances will remain broken for like three months.
Are they serious? That is a quantifiable waste of development time implementing something with an effect that by their own admission, DOES NOT WORK.

What is this Final Fantasy 1 NES amateur hour programming??? Why is Pokemon Red and Blue less busted than this game’s code?


a malignant heart yeah.

taking the month or so of time during which the learned that resistances are broken (oops!) to go back and maybe update a few items that were build around resistances so that they’re instead built around armor for S1 is just too much work for this tiny little indie dev team with limited resources and time!


I played in all the betas and hit the ground running during headstart. Got my happy little sorc to 100 and started gearing her up despite being so squishy that I could get 1shot off screen and not even know what killed me (Can we have combat logs??? Please and thank you!) The normal grinding routine is HT and NMD everyday farming for optimal gear…I was to the point of making attempts on Uber Lilith (and even made progress, woot!) but this has knocked the wind out of my sails completely. There were a lot of nerfs across the board for all classes, but sorc was already lagging behind considerably, and the Control aspect was really the only thing giving us a chance to do the same numbers as the other classes on uLilith but now poof, gone. Devouring Blaze, nerfed to hell too.

If these nerfs happened but other buffs were provided that gave us a fighting chance, I don’t think there would be as much backlash, but frankly, NONE of the buffs I’ve seen are equivalent to what’s been lost. The other skills/spells/aspects available to sorcerers just aren’t strong enough to make good endgame builds. Instead of nerfing what little damage we had, this class needed a serious buff to bring it in line with other endgame builds.

On top of that, the ninja-nerf to helltide cinders and the increased price of mysterious chests is just ridiculous. Mysterious chests were the only ones worth farming the cinders for. I’d often farm up 150 cinders to open a Heavy Weapon chest and get ONE sacred rare staff and some potions. SACRED…at level 100. Why is this even a thing? Helltide is currently not worth even doing right now. Nightmare dungeons are still doable but take a lot more time. Fortunately, I have a couple of glyphs left to upgrade…but once that’s done I’m pretty much capped out on any viable content. Not even sure I’ll stick around to poke my head in for Season 1.

I seriously hope they roll out some sort of hotfix or …something because if not, I think I’m just going to hang this one up and move on to another game. Man, I am super bummed and disappointed :frowning:


OP fake like Reese Withersimpsonfurter.

Much like the dev teams understanding of their own game.

It just actively makes me angry.

I knew something like this could happen. I knew they’d probably mess some stuff up in patches. Make some people mad, because it’s what they do.

But they are willingly putting dev time into making items revolving around a defensive statistic that I have not seen do absolutely nothing since Final Fantasy 7’s Magic Evasion.

How. How do you fail at making a video game that badly, you can’t make something as simple as a RESISTANCE STAT work.

I generally really like this game. I really really do. But there is somebody at Blizzard that is maliciously laughing at all of us right now doing all this on purpose. And they, and I do not say this for developers because it’s 98% a publishers fault, need to be fired immediately.


To quote myself in another post ‘Class is junk’.

honestly i’m kinda impressed especially since they apparently did a fair bit of endgame testing, but apparently even they didn’t really understand how the formula was working and that’s why the fix will take so long or something? don’t quote me on that, that’s second hand knowledge

the moment to moment gameplay and the visual presentation of the game - the two things we interact with most - are absolute aces and the game is a blast to play

it’s the everything else that kinda sucks and feels half baked and like the blizzard devs haven’t played a non-blizzard game for any serious time or at any serious level in a decade

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yeah. i had a bad time before patch, of course. but now it’s at a point that it actually is… hilarious (oh yeah, the patch “only” brutally halved 3 of the aspects i had on, no big thing, no…). glad from tomorrow at least i’ll be allowed rebuilding without having to fork out gold to respec…

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I saw asthmongold, playing Halls of torment and tried it out. Cost like $3 way better than Diablo 4

It’s a Diablo flavor of Vampire Survivors, of course it’s good.

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I have to imagine QA is the most ignored QA team in existence, because there’s no way they didn’t leave apocalyptic mounds of warnings about this.

And I would believe this isn’t QAs fault because Mike admitted he doesn’t think QA is a real job.


That was a lot of text I didn’t bother reading but I will say that my Arc Lash Sorc felt more powerful and more survivable after the patch than it did yesterday. I still intend on playing both Sorc and Whirlwind Barb in Season 1. Both classes seem to be in a decent place right now.