So.. Whats the point of itemization/rares now if legendaries and rares can have the same number of Aspects?

So I remember reading that rares would be BiS in game because they can have 1 more affix then legendary items.

Now, legendary and rares can have the same # of aspects?

Doesnt that kill the point of rares? sure, you can still find a rare with more desirable mods then a legendary, but now rares arent even that exciting anymore lol.

I see this as a big nerf to rares, and muddies the itemization A LOT. Rares are basically just a legendary without an aspect

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I dont think it hurts rares. It made legendaries equal if anything. It probably has to do with how rare it is to find a “perfect” item for your build. With less stats on them you would never use a legendary, you would just instantly extract its power and plant it on a rare. You are still probably going to do that a lot of the time.

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Don’t you need to find that perfect rare then imprint the legendary onto it? So having the right base rare is important to create the perfect legendary.

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it kind of completely screws up any difference in itemization IMO lol. its good to make it rare to find the perfect item, making it too easy ends the game quicker.

rares were supposed to be powerful and sought after, now its just the same thing as finding a legendary. take a lot of fun out of itemization/character building

isn’t that normal ?
what’s the point of wearing a legendary if rares had more affixes ?
the weird thing is on the contrary that rare has the same amount , it should have one less.

also , rare are easier to find , and the 6 affixes thing was a rumour from datamine , not an actual thing.

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it USED to be, when rares had 1 more affix.

now legendaries can have the same exact # of affixes as rares. so there is no “perfect rare to imprint your legendary on”. you can find a BiS item thats a legendary without even needing to look at rares

So, if legendaries had less affixes, rares would be better 95% of the time. Some of the legendary affixes are absolute trasglh if you arent built specifically for them. Why bother with randomly getting a defensive bonus, when you could just have permanent pure damage reduction rolled instead.

its not really “normal” in ARPGs. Diablo 3 is the only ARPG that went that route, and suffered from it.

In games like Last Epoch, PoE, D2, rares can ALL be BiS and better then their upper tier counter parts. and thats what D4 used to be going for.

This is good, because rares generally roll more randomly and have more exciting itemization attached to them

Now rares are completely nerfed. and theres essentially no point to them if they have the same amount of affixes as a legendary.

sure you can find a good rare to put an aspect on, but just the same you can find a good legendary and not need to do anything with it.

it makes itemization lack depth

This kinda sucks… However, kinda feel like that is harder (near impossible) to find right? Like I found decent +2 WW gloves and went and imprinted my WW aspect.

Think “finding” a pure BiS item will be unlikely. Cause we can also reroll a mod on a rare?

So I’m assuming to find BiS we need an almost perfect Rare, reroll the 1 mod that isn’t perfect, hope for the best. Then imprint it to make a legendary.

rare better than unique in D2 ?
outside of some very specific things like gloves for javazon etc… usually the way to go was rune words + unique not rare. (be it soj , shako, zakarum shield or anything else)
so…yea it’s normal for the diablo franchise.
have you seen any end-game build in diablo 2 wearing a rare armor ?

rares have less restrictive stats (more possibilities , there’s less “fixed” stats ) AND are way more common making it way more easy to get good stats on it.
on top of those huge advantages you want them to be 100% of the time better than legendary ?
you are the one asking for a lacking of itemization depth man.

or maybe you just wanted to do jsp/RMT trading who knows.

In vanilla d2 yes, 100%. In lod, it was more about rune words. But rare amulets and rings were still king.

rares having more affixes was only the case in end game and that was the whole point of being able to put apects onto rares… the itemization flow was find BiS rare (which would be really hard to do) then put your aspect on it once you find it.

Thats what i do 90% of the time anyway.

vanilla D2 yea , but personally when i think of D2 i think of it expansion included.
also , even in vanilla it was not always the case outside of ring / amulet.

Actually… in vanilla d3 (the bad version with the rmah). It was the same. Uniques had set item levels and because of it were bad most of the time.

depends, sets were already quiet OP : i remember some natalya set (the ring + cowl i think ? ) piece which allowed me almost perma invulnerability on my DH.
also post-RMAH D3 is still vanilla D3 (since it had no expansion)

though , at the time , legendaries were very rare and even a fly could one shot us in armageddon difficulty before the nerf patch a few week after launch (which…was fun challenge wise , in my opinion :stuck_out_tongue: )

If legendaries and rares have the same affixes, then that should give us a better chance to get what we want.

Your problem is that Blizzard colored Rare Yellow and Legendary Orange and set them up as 2 different Tiers of items. The reality of it is that they are the same Tier and instead of Aspects dropping or doing it like Lost Ark and having it appear on “Ruined Gear” that has no stats and is purely for extracting, they chose to put it on a “Rare Item”.

Personally, I think the change should be that Aspects drop by themselves as a new Color and maintain their current rarity of drop chance. Rare Items should remain but have Legendary Items have the same itemization pool, just a higher chance of rolling higher stats. This isn’t to say you couldn’t find a Rare with thr BiS stats or great stats, but a Legendary item would indicate that it has rolled with a higher likelihood of high stats.

Basically that is the point of hunting rares.

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not sure how many of you are out on WT2, but its also incredible frustrating to drop a legendary power you need, but cant equip it because all your gear is sacred…

so legendaries just become blacksmith fodder each tier up you go.

it feels so bad