So... What's next?

I’d like to first commend everyone at Blizzard working on D4. Season 4 has been the best season so far and I am really glad to see that the game is going in the right direction.

I’d like to make some suggestions for the next core game update.

I think it’s a bad thing when people need to use 3rd party sites for a game.

  1. I think we need a party search system.
  2. I think that we need a market or some kind of trade system.
    These would both help keep players in game.

Now, for a quality of life suggestion.
Your team should add extremely rare cosmetic items to the game that unlock account wide, (except between HC/Normal), in and out of season that can never be purchased.

Something like cool aura affects or things that change your characters appearance like in GW2. Maybe make them tradable but account bound once used? Or just account bound. Give people chase items. Something to show off. There is no value in wearing skins that anyone can buy. Give us bragging rights. Reward our dedication to a grind.



Would be a huge boost to the game


Agree with needing AH now for the good of the game and playerbase. 99.99% of items are tradeable but its a total nightmare to try and buy or sell anything.

The Case in Favor of a S4 Auction House :house: - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (


Never thought I’d see the day where people were asking for an AH in Diablo. The community at large crapped bricks over the AH in Diablo 3.

For the record, I actually didn’t care. Honestly, I liked the real world money AH. It gave me a chance to sell stuff to whales for real world cash. Diablo has never been balanced for PvP, it’s all PvE so who cares at all if it’s pay to win.

Just my opinion and I completely understand it’s the minority! I see where people who are against it are coming from.

ITs time to give it another shot. I think I did a good writeup how it could work. 99.99% of items are tradeable yet we have no way in game to do it and dont say trade channel as that is a joke.

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Don’t get me wrong, I 100% agree with you! I think you’re right!

I’m just surprised to see it here is all. It seems like the great majority utterly despised the AH in Diablo 3.

We did me included but its been over a decade (?) and selling items for $$$ was a big part of why ppl hated it. Learn from past mistakes and give it a go. Items that bind on purchase is a big part of how it could work as this kills all flipping of items.

I didn’t ask for a real money AH.

The difference was that the D3 AH was a Real Money Auction House, where I imagine folks want one that’s just for gold.

Don’t really want one myself but it also wouldn’t effect me if there was. Not found of features associated with MMOs creeping into this game.

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I agree 100%. Adding a party finder and an Auction House would be amazing. I also agree there should be cool super rare or otherwise difficult to obtain chase item cosmetics.

Also let us dye our back trophies!! Cmon Blizz what gives!

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100% agree with you.
i add my touch :

  • i hope we never see the lvl 200 pit down, by anyone, it must be like infiny
  • leaderboard pit
  • armory
  • dps meter

anyway, this S4 is awesome.

When we played all the previous seasons, I can’t get how we could define “Loot Reborn” as a proper season, because it isn’t.

Their pool of real players complains about the bad RNG rewards with Bosses and affix modifications, their response? A limited RNG lottery on top of the normal rewards lottery…

Plus, the Temper mechanics are just ridiculous and the next nightmare for the only players they could really hope to see again every season, you underestimated the frustration we’re going to experience , no game should inspire us like that lol

I think it still needs a decent amount of tweaking and QoL.
Why do we have to pay for healing potions, or even bother upgrading them manually?
Where are all the interesting socketables?
Speaking of gems, they are still a PITA. Sure, they got them out of the inventory, but everything about crafting, upgrading, and socketing/unsocketing is too clunky, IMO.
You still can only put down one map marker with a line drawn from you to it, and that’s it.
There’s still too much RNG in the new crafting. I should be able to just pull off any affix from any item and re-apply it to another item. Simple, and just like aspects.
The Necro’s minions don’t list the damage they do or heath they have, nor do any descriptions explain how any of that is calculated in the first place.

The expansions is sorely needed, too. I want another (holy) class, and more actual art, story, design, etc. The game REALLY needs more variety in dungeon tilesets, outdoor environments, monster design and mechanics…Everything.

I hope none of that is “next” honestly. I want them to improve the gameplay first. That means reworking character progression and fixing dungeons. Adding variety to the game is paramount in a game that is supposed to be replayed constantly.


Please by all that is holy Blizzard, take heed to the OPs post, and do what must be done.

Unless you worship the three or some %&*^, then please by all that is unholy.