Affixes have definitely changed, some have been removed entirely, others have been transferred over to Tempering Manuals instead and some are shared between being able to roll on the item as well as through Tempering. Meaning you can have +% Damage on a dropped item, but also Temper it to have additional +% Damage.
Please Note: +All Stat and the Damage Reduction Affixes have been removed from gear and do not appear in any Tempering Recipes as of writing this.
Affixes that appear on items now have their own buckets (not what you think) in that only 1 from a bucket will ever appear on an item, examples below.
Example #1: If you have an item with +Critical Damage on it, you will never be able to get OP Damage, Vuln Damage, or Damage Over Time on that same item. You can however get + % Damage and +% Critical Damage on the same item.
Example #2: No more then 1 resist can appear on an item. If an item has a particular resist or +all resist it cannot have another type of resist on the same item. This does not apply to inherent affixes on rings, a ring will have +Resist All & +Resist to a specific element that are completely separate from this rule. You will never find 3 Resist Boots again.
Side Note: Helms, Chests, Legs, Shields, and Amulets can roll Elemental Resist as well as allow for a Tempering of another Resist. So you can have a Chest with +% Lightning Resist and also Temper it with another Resist. While other items can roll with Elemental Resist upon drop they do not have access to the “Defensive” Temper Category, and therefor cannot apply a 2nd resist type through tempering.
Example #3: Any affix that adds + Class Skills/Passives CAN NOT have an additional affix of the same type on that item. If you have +2 to Basic Skills (yes this is a thing now), you can’t have +2 to Bone Splinters on that same item.
All Armor and Amulets can have +Skills/Passives on them, Rings can not. Some +Skills/Passives are shared amongst these pieces, but for the most part each piece of armor is associated to a particular section of your Skill Tree. These can give you +All as well as Individual Skills, ex. +All Curse Skills, or just +Decrepify Skill / +All Core Skills, or +Bone Spear.
Necro Example:
- Helms: Curse Skills
- Chest: Macabre Skills
![:star: :star:](
- Gloves: Core Skills
- Legs: Basic Skills
- Boots: Corpse Skills
![:star: :star:](
- Amulets Passives only from all over the skill tree
Necro Only: All items mentioned also can come with +Golem / Skeletal Warrior / Skeletal Mage Mastery as well, meaning they cannot receive any of the other mentioned +Skills if those appear on the item. Other classes may have similar +Masteries that also appear on all items, I haven’t checked.
There’s currently a mix up with 2 of the skills listed under the Chest and Boots for Necros which can cause double dipping into Bone Spirit or Corpse Explosion due to this. May or may not be fixed later, just a heads up, haven’t checked other classes to confirm if they can double dip on their +skills.