So do rats actually lead us to legendary loot?

There’s been a lot of discussion the past 24 on reddit that following rats lead to high chance of legendries. Initially it sounds like a joke since a lot of us clear the whole dungeon but now I question whether what drops also depend on certain factors and scenarios.

The original post that has blown up since:
Okay this is going to sound really bizarre, but you need to follow the rats for good loot. Don’t follow the predetermined path in any dungeon, instead, just follow the rats. The rats smell the cheese! I’m telling you it’s real and I feel like I’m crazy but I found multiple legendaries doing this within a span of maybe 10 minutes. The rats will tell you which pack of enemies to kill, and then they wander towards where you need to go! It’s real I’m not crazy! FOLLOW THE RATS

Edit: Blizzard please confirm rat traps to be added soon

Hot Edit: Thank you, I genuinely didn’t expect my rat post to take off like cheese on a spring board. Thank you for the awards kind strangers

I’d be interested to try this if the prospect of the same legendaries I’ve seen a million times already dropping more frequently had any appeal.

Oh who am I kidding, I’ll try anyway.

Following the rats definitely works. So i got a rare glyph that lets me multiwield unique weapons and attach a 3rd arm to my character. After this i found 3 doombringers. Its totally worth following the rats.

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I don’t understand how following them would change anything unless they are causing monsters that would not have appeared otherwise to spawn. If they don’t actually cause new monsters to spawn, then those monsters would have appeared anyway and likely had the same loot.

Either that, or they have some invisible aura that just boosts magic find for a time.

Think of the rats as loot auras that “plant” better loot into monsters around their radius. That is the theory.

Too bad they die in massive AE if true lol

That’s one of the issues I had testing this theory out.

You really have no idea when they’ve “stopped” because they’re always stopping and moving. I presume when they stop at an elite, it’s when to say goodbye to remy.