So blood harvest real life event doesn´t count for people who cannot donate due sickness? right?

Damn, since this is USA only, it’s a double barrier for me to help out.

I have G6PD deficiency so I can’t donate blood anyway.

Oh well guys, if I send someone a couple bags of blood, can you take it to the Red Cross and donate it for me?

Just don’t ask whose blood it is and how I got it.

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OP: Chillax :smiley: Everyone can get the rewards

PPL are going to do dirty things to that nurse picture, lol.

Too bad it’s USA only. I donate whole blood once in a while (been a few years, I’d rather not have needle scars that could be attributed to drug use lmao) and this would have probably pushed me back into donations for the short term.

Don’t the other region Diablo 4 sites do promotions too? Europe / Asia as its own PR ppls

Thank you. This helps those of us who aren’t mind readers.


a sweepstakes for a custom liquid-cooled PC infused with real human blood

This is pretty gross and probably violates some law.


OH tyvm for the info. I was thinking people were bleeding at their keyboards.


Some people simply don’t understand what the Red Cross organisation does besides collect blood.


Dont donate your blood. They only use a small amount of it for people who actually need it. Red cross is really corrupt. They sell the blood to the rich and people in government.

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Yea that worries me too. Give me the computer without the blood and I’d be fine with it. What if I need to replace a part later on and now I have to worry about getting blood everywhere. Give some red dye and I’ll make the water colored.


Thanks for the context, totally missed that one.

Not a US resident so can’t participate, but got a pretty good laugh out of the PC “Infused with REAL Human Blood!” sticker. It looks… diabolic!

Well done, devs!


I am unable to donate blood as I’ve had cancer and in my country this precludes you from donating blood and organs.

While I was undergoing treatment however, I did need blood products to keep me healthy. I would much rather see people incentivised with a reward to donate blood, even if I miss out, to save the lives of many people.

Now my understanding is that all players will receive the in game rewards if goals are met, but even if that wasn’t the case, I just could not in any way feel bitter about it. I wish US participants eligible for the sweepstakes all the best (I’m not from the US) and hope they enjoy their new PC.

Blood donors save lives


You cant be serious? When anything is ever “infused with real blood” they maybe add a tiny tiny drop in it just so they can say thats what it is.

This is the final post im reading on these forums, i cant take how slow yall are.

I laugh at how people believe conspiracies so ridiculous that you wonder why people fall for them.
And that computer cooling system is using red cooling liquid not real blood. Blood would not work in a liquid cooling system because the blood would cook with the heat and gum up the pipes.

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Agreed, but at that point it would be false advertising then, because it says in the advertisement “Real Human Blood”.

Plus, once the grand total is reached, a sweepstakes for a custom liquid-cooled PC infused with real human blood will unlock;

As an IT tech myself this would be the dumbest move they could ever make to infuse blood as the liquid to cool the system. Hell even corn syrup, water and red food coloring wouldn’t be healthy for your system. Regardless I’ll donate the blood back to them.

Yeah reading the FAQ and T&C it doesn’t specify that the cooling system is infused with blood, just that the PC is. Could be any component, and likely a solid state part to reduce any potential biohazard or the kinds of issues you pointed out. It’s also likely the tiniest amount imaginable


You have a point there, could literally just be a single drop at the front of the case in its own little casing for all we know. Not that I would win the thing mind you, but I’d still rather it not come with any blood, even a single drop if we’re being honest. Just give me a decal to slap on the case or something :drop_of_blood: I’d be perfectly fine with that.


Blizzard: Literally shed your Blood for us.
(I KEED. Actually decent Event)

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The world should not have to cater to you.

but it says right there… every player will get the rewards