Skill cooldowns in an Action RPG?

as far as I remember, in d3 at first cooldowns were also longer, and problems with resource were felt more strongly. Then, with the seasons, it became even more and more arcade, but maybe I’m wrong, it was a long time ago.


Early Diablo 3 was Gen/Spend - The wasn’t much spam. Perma Ult uptime was actually difficult to achieve. That game came a long way mainly due to the fact that all (most) design was focused around having an Ult in rotation and everything was balanced around it.(Hence the absurd Bloat and if you don’t take Ult you suck and die…)
D4 - there’s nowhere near the reliance on Ults.
I’m actually liking the design much better with D4.
Many clever builds out there and the Cooldowns(at least from what I’ve played) are not egregious.

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Nah it was super spammy at release. DH were spamming the lightning orbs and running around (I played the poison grenades and drain tanked while spamming them super fast with life on hit), wizard spamming arcane orbs etc., barbarians spinning to win with the glyph and move speed leaving tornados everywhere, etc.

But the CDs did start creeping in with D3 (e.g. the necro army of the dead in RoS with 10min CD).

Because they said people don’t like spamming abilities. They put long cooldowns so you can hunt for cooldown reduction gear letting you use them more often thus feeling more powerful.

Lost Ark has a lot of cooldowns but you have at least 8 abilities and identity skill. Other than ultimate all are just several seconds so in LA I find them ok. LA is more mmo than diablo though

Because thats dumb, combat should slow down a little bit so you can see the Mechanics.

Not just clear dungeons at mock 10


That’s how every ARPG has been, that’s the point. ARPGs have never been about slow combat, they’ve been about fast-paced combat. That’s why its called ACTION (A) RPG.

People treat D2 like it’s slow but they obviously didn’t play it, because D2 had sorcs zipping around everywhere with no CD teleport nova/CB stomping things, hammerdins zipping around with enigma telestomping with hammers, necros running around blowing up whole screens with CE. You can attack so fast on some characters it bugs out the visual frames of the game. Javazons stomping hundreds of cows in seconds. etc. etc. PVP is split second decisionmaking in which matches are decided by individual animation frames. It builds to a VERY fast-paced game.

POE endgame is super zippy as everyone knows. When they try to slow it down they lose players. Ruthless has very few dedicated players. Starts a bit slower in A1 then the speed quickly ramps.

ARPGs START slow, sure, but they’ve always been about building into super zippy fast-paced gameplay where you’re basically god mode if you scale enough, in every mainstream ARPG.

Slow-paced CD/combo based gameplay with tight “balancing” has always been MMO and MOBA design, not ARPG, which have always been very fast paced, very light on cooldowns, very heavy on spammable abilities, lots of customization of abilities, allowing characters to reach “broken” levels of scaling, etc.


Why do items only have 4 modifiers? Why are there resource nodes to harvest and mounts? Too much WoW inspiration not enough arpg inspiration.


yeah D2 was never slow, 200 fcr nova sorc is on the level of poe venom gyre so idk where did the myth come from that d2 gameplay was slow-paced.


It gives you time to flip through your feeds


Thats just how it is :rofl::rofl::rofl:

So if everyone jumpped off a Bridge and died i guess you have to jump off and die also snice thats how it’s always is.

Things can change and things need to change

What you don’t like the ‘experience’ of dismounted while trying to take part in legion or world boss and try to hobble your way out of a 25 sec CD??


ARPG don’t need to change, people like the ARPG game mechanics.

People will just go back to playing those if they want that gameplay style.

This game doesn’t provide it, it provides MMO-style gameplay, just with an isometric viewpoint like lost ark. That’s fine, it is what it is, the game is trying to be its own thing. But it’s not designed like an ARPG in the conventional sense.

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cooldowns lead to the fact that everyone stacks such a stupid stat as cooldown reduction anyway, and anyway everything will come to the result in a season or two that cooldowns will be minimal or there will be none at all. I don’t understand people defending stupid cooldown mechanics.

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It’s fun and engaging to run out of a room and hide until my cooldown is up.


:rofl::rofl: okay pal, keep telling yourself that. Because 1st and formost this game is a Live service game, before an ARPG.

And things need to change because a live service game needs people to play every week, and an ARPG has people quit for months at a time.

Live service is a business model, not how the game mechanics are designed. You seem to be very confused.


Slowing down the combat is FOR SURE, not going to “keep people playing every week”.

That is completely irrelevant to that point generally speaking. What would keep people playing every week is MASSIVE amounts of content and reworks every season on top of “Time gated content/rewards”, like daily quests or like weekly/X day reward cooldown world bosses etc, like MMO games have been doing for a long time.

Competitive fun pvp is also something that helps a ton with keeping people playing after they like “finished the pve content”.

Game having a big trade economy aspect also plays a HUGE factor in longevity as well.

Being a live service game just means they will continually update with new content, features, and events to keep players engaged and coming back for more.

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How will Live-service help to change the stupid core mechanics of the game? It seems to me it’s almost impossible.

I’m almost sure that before new expansion D4 will be garbage with these core mechanics. And it’s not even a fact that in the new expansion they will be able to change them

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You don’t understand how things really work.

Almost every live service game fails because they dont try and keep the player base. When someone leaves the game its more likely they won’t come back. This has been proven over and over.

If this game wants to be an live service game it cant keep doing the same thing

Again, you are conflating terms. Live service is a BUSINESS MODEL. It has nothing to do with what genre of game it is. There are live service FPS, MMO, ARPG, turn-based RPG, card games, etc.