Skill cooldowns in an Action RPG?

Interesting, I use it to get a 105% damage multiplier.

A tad bit high but not that bad. The benefit of CDs in this game is when a skill is on CD it does not cost any Resource (therefore it’s a pure timed/rotation booster)

I mean becomes bad at pit fighting, but can’t really feel the longer CDs much outside

That’s because of the character of struggle in the game - “swinging in the mud” kind of experience when mob HP becomes truly galactic for damage output to latch

Surely you can be expected to just spam stuff like army of dead over n over n over. Assuming you had the mana. The CD system honestly works fine. What’s your issue

It’s awful isn’t it? As it was pointed out early on, major design decisions were influenced by some jagoff who had no interest in the original Diablo / D2 schema.

You spam your basic so you can spam your core, and everything else is just a cooldown you use to nuke groups. It’s a purely cyclical resource management system that no one else uses because it’s not engaging at all.

The only people who really enjoy it are those who can be sustained by the high of picking up the shiny drops with the rare sound effects. It’s candy crush for lowest tier of ARPG enjoyers.

Tbh the only reason I’m playing is to at least get my money’s worth, and see if it maybe gets better. So far it hasn’t but Path of Exile 2 isn’t far off at least.

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MMO design philosophy for ACTION rpg genre. I also think its because their servers can’t handle a no cooldown designed game.