Skill cooldowns in an Action RPG?

Well… Stockholm and Good Boy Syndromes do seem to be a thing here.

30+ second cooldowns on skills in an ACTION rpg shouldn’t exist, especially with how much they’ve sped everything up now. I wonder if they will change this? Or will it put too much stress on their servers?

it is actually fun cuz 1 year have already passed and this game is still bad but nobody already make such topics, cuz only D3 fanboys remain.

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It looks like some Necromancer came off cooldown, And resummoned this post.

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Holy necro batman! :person_facepalming:

I’d forgotten he worked in WoW. Gawd, I wonder how many Diablo systems he’s responsible for shafting. The loot “smoothening” (lack of base item differentiation) is something I’ve resented since D3 release. So effing weird!

(Edit: “necro” comments are tee-hee-hee clever I guess. But at the other end of that scale is a bunch of people yelling “learn to search for similar topics”)

to be fair this is very important topic which showing us two things:

  1. At the start of the game(when online was x10 or even more than now and forums were active) nobody liked D3 merchanics. There were some D3 kids but nobody even care about those minority opinions, nobody took them seriously.

  2. Devs failed hard to implement anything esle outside of D3/WoW core mechanics, probably cuz of D3 archaic code and engine which based on this code.

Will expansion change anything? Probably nah. Already doomed.

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I’m curious if you know a discussion or a history that does a deep dive on this. Never really researched it before.

well there were quite a lot discussions about that at the game release, cuz D4 devs always like to tell us things like: that this is “absolutly new engine” but you might noticed that all core mechanics here are somehow from D3, they just either renamed them or slightly changed.

As far as i remember correctly there were some issues with connection(when online was way higher than now) and devs on camp chat or in twitter, don’t exactly remember where, told us that this issue was caused by stash loadouts. Cuz when you see other player in open world game basically loading not only his inventory but all his stash. And same issue was in D3, but there were no open world in D3. And there is absolutly zero possibility that exact same bugs(and this is not the only one bug, there were quite few including gold duping) can happen in different games unless all it’s code were basically copypasted.

You can find topics discussing this issue probably when game was released cuz this game was sold to us heavily based on nostalgia about D1-D2 and they tried to distance from D3 as much as possible back in a days. So it only proves us that this is truly D3 ressurected and there were a lot of false advirtising in an attempts to sell us this game

45+ second skill cooldowns shouldn’t exist in an ACTION rpg. I personally think it’s because their servers are so terrible it can’t handle the extra load. Now the game truly is diablo 3.5.

Reporting the thread now?

It started during d3 as they wanted to incorporate mmo elements.

D4 followed suit.

We need to also consider that damage output of ultimate skill is minor when we have 50 secs cooldown

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Isn’t it great using a 50 second ultimate skill cooldown and it sometimes can’t even kill a trash white mob?

I just made a necro and noticed my army of the dead CD is over a minute long! wtf, Blizzard! I only use it to make corpses!

For such a quick game, 60 seconds+ cooldowns is laughable.

Interesting, I use it to get a 105% damage multiplier.

A tad bit high but not that bad. The benefit of CDs in this game is when a skill is on CD it does not cost any Resource (therefore it’s a pure timed/rotation booster)

I mean becomes bad at pit fighting, but can’t really feel the longer CDs much outside

That’s because of the character of struggle in the game - “swinging in the mud” kind of experience when mob HP becomes truly galactic for damage output to latch

Surely you can be expected to just spam stuff like army of dead over n over n over. Assuming you had the mana. The CD system honestly works fine. What’s your issue

It’s awful isn’t it? As it was pointed out early on, major design decisions were influenced by some jagoff who had no interest in the original Diablo / D2 schema.

You spam your basic so you can spam your core, and everything else is just a cooldown you use to nuke groups. It’s a purely cyclical resource management system that no one else uses because it’s not engaging at all.

The only people who really enjoy it are those who can be sustained by the high of picking up the shiny drops with the rare sound effects. It’s candy crush for lowest tier of ARPG enjoyers.

Tbh the only reason I’m playing is to at least get my money’s worth, and see if it maybe gets better. So far it hasn’t but Path of Exile 2 isn’t far off at least.

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MMO design philosophy for ACTION rpg genre. I also think its because their servers can’t handle a no cooldown designed game.