Skill-based Endgame Systems

Right… Path of Diablile

Here we go with the high quality, high effort reactions. lol

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[What you want ] <------------------------------------------------->[ What D4 is]

You’re probably better off looking elsewhere.


I agree. You can’t turn a turd into gold.

You misunderstand me then. D4 is my favorite game right now, but it’s obviously far from what the OP is looking for. Thus, my advice for them to look elsewhere.


Not reading all of the skill ideas. That’s way too much to go through.

I don’t really like the idea of having to grind for skills at end game. This is basically the codex system on crack. But rather than spending all your game time collecting them so that when you’re 100 you at least have a bad version, you’d start at 100 and get bored before you find anything useful.

I think these changes can, should, and probably are going to be implemented through the skill tree.

What i mean by that, is that once you’ve chosen an ability, you’ll be able to choose abilities and interactions with that skill. We already have 2 levels (and a branch), but i suspect that they’ll add more levels and branches to this.

It could be that you ha e to find something to unlock them and get a separate skill point currency to pay for them, but they should drop from level 1 or be given 1 point every 10 levels or every level at 50+ etc…

This would make the skill tree more complex of course, but i think it’s the way to go to give people what they want with regards to skill customization.

It’s essentially what you’ve suggested, just not as a new system.

No. :slight_smile: A common issue I’ve seen on this forum is an inability to process anything new and just conflating it with what’s familiar. These endgame skills are supplemental. In other words, you literally cannot be getting more “bored before you find anything useful”. You can only be getting more excited because you’re finding more useful things. These skills are neither the codex system nor the common skill tree. Why? Because they do not compete in the pre-existing slots. They come with more action slots, a lot more action slots. So what happens is as you’re progressing through the endgame and this system you basically accumulate more action bars and skills within them, but unlike an MMORPG the skills aren’t splayed across your keyboard or fancy mouse with varying cooldowns. Each action bar is a level you enter after performing a preceding action. I gave the examples so this could take a less abstract form and be easier to envision.

It’s about going beyond traditional customization where you have just a few action slots and you pick and modify the few things your character can do. It’s about having a whole bunch of options available in combat so you can customize your play often and on the go. It should be a relatively simple concept to grasp but apparently it’s “Path of Diablile”, which it clearly isn’t. I suppose that’s a compliment as far as innovation goes. It’s so unusual a bunch of people just can’t even get it.

This is what Iggi has turned into. Wishing people to go away. This game has done a good job of pushing people away, but I suspect that isn’t the goal. The conservatism is amusing and stands in the way of any real progress.

agree. i mean there are suggestions, and you know, wanting to redesign the game.
now, if one thinks d4 is boring and soulless, thats very much their right. Instead of redesigning the game id personally look for alternatives that suit me better.

this thread belongs rather into the “trying to redesign the game”-category. nothing wrong with trying i guess? just not seeing it happening.


A bit too much TLDR but just as a simple concept to clarify:

Are you suggesting:

  • Combo-based spells (Spell A does A then Spell B does AB)


  • Combo-based skill trees (more akin to LE ?)

The first one exists in D:I b.t.w., was an interesting part of the game before it became p2w but IDK, not having an opinion yet

As for the latter, not entirely convinced that “what player does” needs to be addressed as much as taking another look at mobs and all the “repetitive runs” the game consists of rather :thinking:

Combo can mean different things. Think sequential skill levels where you’re automatically offered a refreshed skill bar after performing one action per level. A preceding action can or cannot affect the next set of options, which you can identify by if statements. At this point I don’t think I’ve included an interaction where skills mix in the environment. The first examples I provided are directly tied to normal abilities as follow-ups for the specific normal ability you’ve just used. The rest of the examples are independent additional skill structures that you can enter or exit by the use of a button.

The game is not only lame because of simple mobs and “repetitive runs”. It’s lame because your character is lame - it can’t do much at any point in time, and indeed, it actually does quite little and the repetition is mind-numbing. These things go hand-in-hand.

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Yes, but how do you decide what a certain of your skills does “extra” ?

Is that something you unlock, equip, learn, buy, select on paragon, select on skill tree, select in a skill menu (similar to Enchantments), do you commit or can swap on the fly ?, e.t.c… :thinking: :slight_smile:

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This is an entirely different concept and I didn’t get that from the original post.

This is a completely different design to the combat model of Diablo and basically every ARPG on the market.

You’re looking for Street Fighter or Tekken in ARPG form. This is not that.
If you want an in-depth combat system with streaks, combos, and such, then you probably want to look somewhere else.

I never wish for people to go away, I wish for them to face reality of what the game is and what they want it to be. I also know Blizzard as I’ve been with them quite literally since Rock N Roll racing. I will bet you the expansion price (just 40 bucks) your idea, and 99.9% of the ideas on this forum will never come to fruition.

I applaud yours and everyone else enthusiasm, effort and time put into all of your ideas. However you would have better luck banding together, making a kickstarter and learning programming before they incorporate these ideas into D4.

I’ve liked your ideas. This current one isn’t bad either, but again I just don’t see it happening in D4. This has everything to do with the developers and the amount of work it would take to completely change the game from almost the ground up.

Let’s do an experiment. Go through the forum, and just pick a date range. Let’s say from June 15 2023 to August 15 2023. Or any dates you want honestly. Look at all the ideas from people. Tell me what percent of ideas posted have made it into the game since then. I doubt you’ll be surprised.

Just as I’m not surprised when ideas such as these never get implemented. So as always, good luck, and I wish you well.


On that note, Blizzard have specifically said that they do not take ideas/suggestions from the forums. They take notes on how things make people feel, and adjust accordingly.

There are some exceptions of course, and these are most likely due to coincidence as opposed to them taking an idea verbatim.

I agree though, the ideas are nice from a combat system perspective, it’s just not D4, so making your own game that works this way would be a better option.

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This is a great idea, but Blizzard will never do it because insert random excuses here to do it.

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Yes… I think that a general system, where you can save different styles according to the challenges, is easier to implement than the arsenal that has to change the entire paragon.

So we could have points for: Increasing boss damage, area damage, attack speed, chance of gaining another skill, etc. This would refine more builds due to their shortcomings.

We could change their types. Like ice hydra, rapid fire with guided missiles, poison grenades, etc. But that would be more complex.

what people want: new exciting skill upgrades with endless combinations and badass visuals.

what people get: pit +100 stages and 2000 platin pet skins.

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That’s not how the devs work either, they have some “roadmap” that they follow, perhaps 10% from that comes from here, then they ask for feedback whether or not what they thought of did well

Not bashing on that idea (or way of working), but here’s the problem - back at the start there were about 10x pieces of feedback that were better thought and measured than any of the “loud mouth” streamers, and people were patient and reasonable (for about 3 weeks) before everyone started becoming more “toxic”

Now after all that “extra effort gymnastics” and “reworks” one after another you’re saying “pls, miracle cures only”, which is largely the reason why even got where we got in the first place

One of those “miracle cures” was density increase (still bad move b.t.w.)

The next of those “miracle cures” was Damage Buckets rework (in other words making Crit and Vuln additive as opposed to multiplicative), maybe did better, not sure, but

  • It would’ve been easier (and fairer) to just remove Exploit from the game

Then scaling got “screwed with” badly, basically one-shotting everything until lvl85, 90, 95 at times even (depending on the build)

And now - sure, arguably the road to 100 is “paved well” but the problem of that is the road to 60-70 has been completely trivialized

Sorry to say but “easy miracle fixes” won’t fix those problems… And even worse - the very approach to implement “easy miracle fixes” like the ones mentioned above are/were part of the problem in the first place

The bucket reworks are good. Now not every build needs to stack on Vulnerable and Crit Dmg.

Ironically they still kept two skills in the game that scale with no cap off vulnerable and crit damage… and they are still the strongest builds in the game =_=

If they would remove the cap on, for example, Ice Damage for sorcs, or Crowd Control for Druids, I mean why are these even capped, Sorc can’t even get more than 500% Ice Damage or so and they still felt they needed to cap the multiplier to 30%. Druid CC% ggot capped to 40x. Yet Barb Vulnerability and Crit Damage are unlimited and go up to 4000% or so. Rogue Vulnerability goes up to around 2000%.

The design and decision making skills of the D4 team is incomprehensible.

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I agree but the alternative solution would’ve been to try out with applicability limitation, i.e. instead of whole screen of mobs being rendered vulnerable just a few/several ones in vicinity

That could/would (and frankly should) have been tried out first

I get it, it is easy in hindsight to argue about things, but the reason why I pointed that out is the “drive for finding an easy miraculous fix” (density increase for faster leveling or whatever, then later instead of reducing applicability rate of Vuln to completely gut the two mechanics, then to overreact to “no target farming” again to put all the Uniques in boss fights, e.t.c.)

i.e. overkill, overreaction, overkill, overreaction - one after another (all in the attempt to make a “miracle fix that will solve them all at once”)

IS what brought us here in the first place