Show own player name?

I’m quite surprised this isn’t a standard setting anyways, let alone not having the option at all. Would definitely like to see this. Who doesn’t want to see themselves with the Potential Trash title constantly to motivate them to prove the title wrong?

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I want this option tooo!! I need to see my title I’ve chosen!

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You’re not the forum police.

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Oh look, a wannabe mod.


I think some people disliked it, but thats fine, like any game these days - a toggle on/off option in the menu. Everyone’s happy that way

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Yes please, I also want it.

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Yes please! Need a display own name and display other player names toggles. Like wtf, i get going old school a bit but, WoW had that in 2004. Please blizz, thanks everybody who joins this struggle! :heart::heart::heart:

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I agree. I spent a while searching for this in options, and ended up having to Google it. I like seeing my own name, my own title, I’m the one that picked it!

Please make this a toggle option!

Really odd not to have this! Would love it.

Jesus what a loser.

Commenting to show my support in having this. Could be a bump, might not be. Try pin it on me.

I also would like this option

bumpsy wumpsy frumpsy who’s a good boy?

:joy: :rofl: :joy:

/signed It’s weird that Blizzard of all companies wouldn’t have this simple and obvious option.

I also got here looking for the same option. Call me vain. :slight_smile:

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Same really trying to find the answer as to why this is…

I was bummed to find out the option doesn’t exist. Seems like a pretty standard option to have in a game these days.

Yes, it’s so silly that we can’t see our own IGN and the silly tittle we choose xD

With enough replies and traction in this thread, I’m hoping Blizzard sees this and considers adding it into the game.

Yea itd be nice to be able to see your name and title and they should add a health bar over character option too

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How this is not in the game is beyond me. This has been standard in games since… the early 90s.