Show own player name?

Let’s keep this alive in hopes Blizzard devs do read these forums. I don’t see how it would be a difficult thing to add to the game?


would also like this feature


Odd that you can’t do this. Would be nice to be able to see what title I’ve selected (otherwise you forget there’s even one there), and see a clan name (even if just a vanity clan) etc.


Bumping to keep it alive


This is funny because in another similar game which I don’t want to name they did exactly this, showed the player own name, and a lot of player wanted to hide it :slight_smile: . But ye, there could be a toggle to satisfy everyone.


Don’t bump posts.

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Yes, just a toggle on/off option would be nice.


Indeed. Didn’t we already have that in the beta? I distinctly remember seeing my name & toon level floating above my head, as well as my chosen title.


Good question, I honestly don’t remember. Id have to go look at beta videos.

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It’s a 2-day old thread, not a 2-year old thread…


You have a problem with comprehension if you see anything with regard to timing in that rule.
It doesn’t matter how old the thread is; bumping is not allowed.

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Not the end of the world mate. We are actively talking about the subject in this topic.

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Didn’t say it was.
And, even IF it was, it wouldn’t be for me, but for you.

I was simply trying to give you a heads-up that habitual bumping can earn you a vacation, so you might not want to make it a habit if your threads don’t get a lot of attention.

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I spent so much time looking through the options and was baffled it was not there.


I think it should be a fairly easy option to implement into the game, as well as hiding other players names if the player wishes to.


Found this looking for a possible answer. It would be nice.


Just searched for this but have wanted it since Closed Beta.

I also want to be able to have text above the health and resource globes like in D2.

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i agree with this post, i would like to see my player name above my head, staple Diablo request. Helps me find my toon in a crowd.

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I’m quite surprised this isn’t a standard setting anyways, let alone not having the option at all. Would definitely like to see this. Who doesn’t want to see themselves with the Potential Trash title constantly to motivate them to prove the title wrong?

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I want this option tooo!! I need to see my title I’ve chosen!

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