Should I Return for the Starfall Coronet?

Yeah, Uber farming isn’t much fun; ideally, you acquire mats somewhat organically while leveling just by doing Helltides, Whispers, etc., but that will only take you so far… I didn’t target farm mats and I think I ran Duriel solo around twenty times last season, give or take. If you’re planning to start on your level 80 with no materials previously farmed then yeah, prepare for endlessly farming Helltides and Whispers. You can group up with others to quadruple your number of runs, but it could take you a while to get a Shako.

Another thing to keep in mind is that in all likelihood the Starfall Coronet will only be target farmable from the new Seasonal boss who won’t be in Eternal, so getting one out of season might end up being pure RNG. I’m pretty sure from what I’ve seen that the world drop rates for all uniques were slashed when they were made target farmable, so it’s possible you just don’t the new helm to drop. All in all, I would definitely wait to see what the verdict is on the seasonal meteor build before coming back just for this (though I will say the game is vastly better than it was at launch).

They actually gave us an update on that one, it drops from “Beast in Ice”.


That’s good to know, and hey, they even made him less completely miserable to farm. Only a little though.

So many Belfry Zakara and Carrion Fields runs… So many…

Is there an online resource where I can see all that information? Like, which boss drops what items, the mats required to summon them, and how they’re acquired? Also are they guaranteed to drop a unique every time or is it just a chance? Because I am assuming each boss has an entire pool of uniques so even if it’s a 100% drop rate there will still potentially be a lot of RNG.

Sorry for all the questions but as I said I haven’t touched D4 since like 2 months after it launched.

Most of the infos regarding these bosses are in the S2 announcement, infos to the season 1 powers they brought back are here (the rings drop from Varshan who is in the burrow next to the Tree of Whispers) and the announcement for where the new items we get tomorrow drop is here.

I haven’t farmed every boss but the chance is not 100% for every one of them (but it definitely is for Duriel which also has a ≈2% chance to drop an uber unique your class can use in addition to the “regular” one) but they drop them most of the time. If they don’t drop a unique then they drop a heavily increased number of legendaries.

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You’ll get a unique most of the time. It’s much more common to get one than not.

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Short answer NO because you’ll probably still be unhappy. Save the time.

If you think it’s worthwhile, good thing you probably still have the sorc in eternal. Just go do 10 beast in ice, probably it will drop for you and then you’ll know pretty quickly if you’ll be happy with new meteor or not. Even better part of this plan is you don’t need or want shako, so the fact that the chracter has missed ubers won’t matter.

If you RMT and buy mats, it becomes easy. If you get carried in Duriel runs, it becomes even easier.

Solo player here btw with bad RNG, so I didn’t experience that joy.

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I only run eternal and have a sorceress. I did a Beast run the same night as the patch, and miraculously, it dropped for me on that first run! I was astounded. The uniques and Uber uniques are available from the summoned bosses in the eternal realm and have chances to drop in other areas. For example, I’ve gotten Tibault’s Will from PVP, and my husband got the new barbarian ring from a NMD.

So I bit the bullet and reinstalled the game but I hit a wall almost immediately. I had no idea that they had raised the level cap by a whopping 100 points and scaled everything accordingly so now I can barely do NMDs in the 40s when before even with a gimped build I was roflstomping 60s and 70s. And I thought they had substantially nerfed NMD difficulty?? They also redesigned the Static Surge legendary mode for some reason so now my mana regeneration is shot and of course I don’t have the unique pants which didn’t even exist back when I quit.

With all of that piled against me it takes hours to get mats for the stupid frozen demon boss and my damage is so low it takes what feels like forever to kill him. And to top it all off he keeps dropping the fireball gloves. I am ready to hit that uninstall button again! :triumph:

This game continues to feel like a chore to play. :man_facepalming:t2:

P.S. Someone come run me through the Glacial Fissure until I get that stupid helm before I explode from the frustration! :rofl:

If damage is an issue then you should prioritize getting a 900+ IP weapon from a world boss and Tal Rasha’s Iridescent Loop from Varshan.

Also, they moved the last point where your item stats increase up and everything in the range of 725 - 780 IP got its stats reduced so if you feel like something is off because your gear should have better stats that’s why.

Yeah, I figured it out and now I have an okayish 920 weapon but my god what a chore! Around half a dozen NMDs to get the mats for the boss, then the annoying fight against him, he’s also got a bloated loot pool polluted with completely useless uniques, and then there is the huge range on the cooldown roll for the Coronet. This could take weeks! Meanwhile in other A-RPGs you can fully deck out a complete build in a matter of hours.

I need to figure out some other way to do it. Buy the distilled fear or something. I see they finally implemented a trade chat so I will try that but the eternal realm seems like a ghost town.

I’ve been trying to get starfall coronet and haven’t been able to yet. My biggest beef with diablo 4 is that they block these build changing uniques behind end game content so when you finally get it, you’ve beat the game and have no reason to actually use it. Like I’m having no fun at all playing a build that I don’t want to play just to get the piece of loot that will let me play my build. But by the time I get that piece, I’ll have nothing left to play for and no reason to actually use it.

I think with distilled fear drop rate buff it’s not too bad to summon beast now. Not hard to find people who want free loot to kill for you to get the drop. Embrace social solutions to bad game design and enjoy your new hat soon!

I don’t need anyone to carry me. I can solo him no problem, it just takes me a minute or 2. It’s not even the distilled fear that’s the biggest problem. It’s the fact that the Beast’s loot pool is incredibly diluted with absolutely useless base game uniques that everyone already has. He drops 10 different uniques! that means you have a 10% to get the one you want. And it takes hours to farm the mats to summon him. It’s just terrible design.

It is bad design, I agree. But there are so many beast mats floating around now b/c you have people that are clearing NMD 100 just for fun and just throw mats away after a while b/c they have no stash space. So no need to suffer through hours of mat farming. Just accept donations. :+1:

Oh I’ve been asking but the Eternal Realm seems like a graveyard, lol. Also I think trading is still disabled because of the latest wave of duping.

I’ll bring you along on some. Most people I see online are doing beast in ice to get the new uniques and they normally dont even both with BII.

Maybe you have cross play off or something?

Oooh! That might be it, I will check. I think I turned it off way back and never remembered it again. :crazy_face:

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