Seriously? Here we go again... (Abattoir of Zir news) 😡

Because you say “challenging content” like it’s a good thing when reality there’s no challenge at all. You’re either a streamer / bot / exploiter / cheater and faceroll it, or you are not one and you don’t get to try for max tier at all.

Challenging content in games is only good as long as it’s fun. The goal should be to design fun content, not challenging content. Blizzard is explicitly making this a challenge-first experience to cater to streamers / bots / exploiters / cheaters with OP meta builds, the rest of the playerbase be damned.


Not at all. You’d make a terrible psychologist.

Game is quite easy presently, happy to have a challenge. Don’t really care if it ends up being ‘too hard’ or not for my non-meta builds – it can always be rebalanced after people have tried it out. All the sky-is-falling chatter about this new mechanic is strange to me.

Nah, it’s an open and shut case with you.

You said this simply in response to somone completing the season journey.

Then had this irrational unhinged reaction to me being surprised someone would think it’s difficult to complete the season journey without a carry:

Yup, I’m thinking there’s some projection and insecurities going on with you.


And you know this because? It’s not even out yet, you can’t judge how difficult it will be, you can assume, but that only gets you so far. Your strawman argument is coming apart at the seams.

Or you’re neither of these, and you just play the game to have fun. Honestly I would hate to know what you find enjoyable in life, clearly it’s not video games, and it’s especially not D4. Is the game where I want it to be? No, not by a longshot. Am I enjoying Season 2? Absolutely.

The only thing you’ve contributed is constant assumptions, tin foil hat theories, and negativity toward Blizzard and D4 in general. Honestly I question your sanity at this point. Only people craving for attention would act out this much against something that literally doesn’t affect their lives in anyway if they just stepped away from it. Yet somehow you persist on being here and just hating everything. I honestly don’t get it.

If I had as much hatred toward the game that you did, I would’ve left a long time ago. I wouldn’t be on these forums arguing with people over assumptions and opinions. You cry about streamers, botters, exploiters, cheaters, that quite literally have had no impact on your gaming experience what so ever other then another criticism you can throw toward Blizzard because these group of people make you feel inadequate at the game for some bizarre reason.

Have you never played an online video game in your life? Have you never played a crappy video game in your life? If not, news flash buddy, they’ve been around longer then you’ve been alive I would wager. They’ll continue to be around. You can either ignore the bad games and move on with your life, or get stuck in a hole complaining about them. Your choice.


Typical ultracrepidarian response.

Correct. The main point of the OP’s post is to point out one shot mechanics (this might be hard for you to follow, so read slowly and several times until you understand).

You played a 1 shot mechanic class. Not everyone plays that and has to endure mechanics (are you still following?).

Not at all. I play a sever necro because I find it to be enjoyable for me. It’s not a 1 shot class like the one you played. Unlike you, I do enjoy a challenge. You played a class that removes all challenge and then post as if it’s not a challenge for the non 1 shot builds.

But do go on with thinking you know all and are correct. I find your posts enjoyable.

I have 19 years of experience with WoW slowly becoming more and more unenjoyable as Blizzard kept ramping up the difficulty to appeal to the top 1% who, surprise surprise, took to 3rd party software and other scummy tactics to negate the growing difficulty, while the rest of the playerbase was left in the dust.

Blizzard appears to be attempting to speedrun WoW’s decline in record time with D4 by holding these private tests for streamers and tuning the content for them. You know why WoW classic is so popular? It’s because it doesn’t have the bloat of “challenging content” that kept getting piled on the game for more than a decade while people kept saying “well, who cares about what the 1% do”.

If you can’t see the blatantly transparent direction that D4 is going in, that’s on you.


Do these guys really need to put a hard cap guardrail on their own balancing?

Just a sign if inability to understand their own game and balancing it.

“How strong does the top level need to be?” - Dev

“Probably hard enough that only the best skilled and best geared players with the right builds can beat it.” Lead

“Okay got it, but how do we figure out the gearing and builds relative to that difficulty.” - dev

“Yeah, that’s hard, lots of bugs we can’t really account for. Okay, just make it really really hard, and we will figure it out later. Hopefully, there isn’t a bug that makes it beatable first.” - Lead

“Sounds good, what about the skill part?” - dev

“That’s last on our list”. - lead

“Gotcha, so we can just work on it after the dust settles?” - Dev

“This is a beta release.” - Players.


Also get ready for buggy mechanics where visual indicators magically don’t appear before the attack launches, and the devs think, “Wow, we really made that difficult. Do you think they’ll leave us alone about itemization, yet?”


They say no one is suppose to finish it but somebody will. As time passes more and more people will finish it. People will learn how to build to finish it. Eventually it will become a test, like finishing level 100 dungeons and killing Uber Lilith, for the most skilled D4 players.

Projection given your first response to me in this thread.

You were responding specifically to me and my mentioning I had completed the season journey before level 100.

You’re the one failing to follow.

You responded to me doubting I could complete the season journey without a carry. Then pivoted to being outraged that I played a strong spec to do so.

No, you are simply deranged and taking offense to someone playing the game differently than you when I had not made any judgement about any other player in anything I previously said. I am judging you now, but not because of the way you play the game.

I couldn’t care less how you play it or with what spec. You’re the one who is super defensive about that.

Aww, so adorably defensive.


Im part of non meta build, frozen orb sorcerer , and im a casual gamer, work 40h, 2 kids, yet i will clear that challenge, stop the tears, dry em, get up , grab a sword/satff/dagger or w/e and start killing, If a streamer can do it, so can you. They are not superhuman. I cleared lilith uber, nm100 witha frozen orb dude, stop crying in front of challenges.

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I played WoW for a good 12 years myself, I got bored of the game, and other games came along that I would’ve rather played. However what I didn’t do was stick around on the WoW forums complaining about every bad decision they made that lead to the point of me leaving the game.

This literally has nothing to do with what I was talking about. Again you deflect the conversation. The problem isn’t D4, or even Blizzard at this point, the problem is you. But I know you’ll never see this. You’ll keep digging that hole, making hate after hate post. It’s like it’s an addiction to you. I have no doubt you’ll buy the expansion just so you can crap on it too. Which makes even less sense, but I can easily see it happening.

People like you never want to let things go, you can’t. It would be the simplest thing in the world to do. Just ignore the game, ignore the forums, move on with your life. Instead you’ll blame everything else for the problems that you’re having, when you could easily remove the problem yourself.

The issue isn’t the fact D4 is moving in a direction you don’t approve of, the problem is you can’t accept that fact and move away from the situation.

I play CL-orb, totally original build, and I also have a life. I can clear 100 nm dungeons effortlessly. But you have to keep in mind, the sorc is in a really good place this season, and there are other classes that don’t have a strong build, or only have one.

This thread is mostly a knock on the meta, not the idea of difficult content.

If they’re going to give us extremely difficult content, there needs to be build diversity.

I also own a flurry melee rogue , totaly non meta, a double swing barb, i have 3 x lvl 100 seasonal toons and i clear all content with 3 class with non meta build. Poeple complain too much when they get told something will be difficult.

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Well, let’s be real, you picked the 3 strongest classes in the game, lol. All 3 S-tier, op, broken builds are across those 3 classes, and those classes all have a plethura of A tier builds. The weakest build you could reasonably come up with, across those three classes, would still be able to beat all uber, and at least hit early 90’s for nm dungeons.

I do agree that this game is far too easy, atm, but I also think there needs to be far more build diversity.

And what’s the point in adding another uber boss when we only have like 20 unique items to chase, and we can get them all from ubers?

My first post was a question. A question that you have since answered. Again, you asked the incredibly stupid question of"

Followed by you posting that you have completed it with a 1 shot mechanic build (that requires no talent, observing mechanics, et cetera. Congrats? Time to work on that reading comprehension.

and also to the the facts that I have posted above. Once again: not everyone plays a no talent 1 shot build class.

You’re incorrect, once again.

Correct, without using a one shot build that requires no talent or functioning synapse.

That is also correct. That is because of the ignorance of your question “Do people struggle”.

I don’t think you even understand the definition of that word.

Not at all. I’m not offended in the least. I’m simply pointing out your absolute stupidity of questioning people that don’t play brain dead builds.

That is funny. In order to not sound like an echo chamber; please see my above posts.

Not in the slightest. I’m simply pointing out your flawed logic and ignorance.

It’s gone when S3 starts in January. It will not be on Eternal this time around. Azir is the S2 Vampire Boss.

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How did blizzard tune the dungeon so no one can complete it? Everything OHKO the player. A dead DPS is zero DPS. Time to use those insane Immune builds.

I honestly don’t see the point in this boss?

We get our items from ubers, right? Is this one going to have a higher drop rate for ubers or something? I already own 99% of the uniques in the game, before even fighting an uber, so the only reason to farm Duriel is to find ubers. But if this new boss has an increased chance to drop ubers, what’s the point in farming Duriel?

It really seems like they simply don’t know how to improve the game, so they’ve resolved to constantly throwing new “content” at us, in the forum of uber bosses, whether they serve any real function or not.