📰 Season 5 PTR Campfire TL;DR

My main question, will we see something that not was in D3? We came to the first expansion in fact with an absolute D3 resurrected, all new activities that they provided is just from D3.

Nothing new in this game, literally nothing. It’s not even lame, it’s literally a shame.

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They don’t get it. The world is bland and generic. There is no one place you just want to visit because it is awesome. There is no “Stay awhile and listen”. That just makes you want to delve deeper into hell. That awesome feeling you got when you walked in to the cathedral in d2 and descended 3 levels to kill a real boss. Or even in d3, where you got to walk through leoric’s manor. Now walk through the plains of generic and enter this shack to grab quest objective number 12 because the town’s people want you to and you feel better about it when you get higher status. You help grandma, grandpa, the wife, and child for some reason, even though your heart wants to just let them die and move on. The game isn’t engaging and everything from questing, statues and crafting take you out of the arpg mood and put you in a mmo. Picking up every single trash item… Then really ruin the entire experience by mounting a horse and cuddling your new cute terrier.

The one thing I will take from the campfire is that the people actually looked generally happy to be there for the first time. I am not sure if that is genuine, they are good actors or if they know something we don’t. I am glad they did not show the guy that is causing the division in the game.

I will stand by the posts that got deleted on the campfire post. The new season is just flare to skills, items and crafting, once again. 5 seasons of skill balance, unique adjustments, and throwing a small event at people. Which would be fine. If they fixed the game as they promised in the first two campfires. The base game is still horrible.


Updated with a tl;dr version, just noting some highlights. Obviously I didn’t add everything, you can check the links for that.

obol vendor doesn’t even give ga stuff anymore since the nerf and now they add mythics to him? k

Mostly positive and cool stuff from skimming the video. Will play S5 and see how it goes.
As always depends how much juice boxes in the hands, catering ruins the game for me.

More to look forward to trying than not though, well done.

Nothing adds to the darkness and mystery of Diablo like a pin to put you in the right location and a spinnies on your character to keep you immersed in the danger around you. I can fully say that this is not the game for me and the direction this game is taking is a full 180 from where I thought it should go.

wish to thank the team for solidifying my choice to play the new wow expansion instead since they are nerfing the crap out of sorc b/c, reasons. so ty ahead of time so i don’t have to waste my time.

Thanks for the notes. I have not had time to watch it yet.



Well, the one thing good about the new WoW expansion is it will always be wow. No one expects much change there.

I hear you. I want to love it. I can pick up d1,2 and 3 and play for hours but i get really bored really fast with D4.

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On the bright side you know now the game won’t be for you. You can save 40 bucks and go buy another game you’ll enjoy. Guess we won’t be seeing you around anymore. Sincerely I wish you the best.

I remember d1 opening. A huge just great dialogue to get you in the mood. Surrounded by darkness, you entered the church and it was dark and scary. It kept you there. Every level feeling more menacing than the last. Every boss escalating. By the end, you knew every character, every thing because you were hooked and felt a real sense that you were about to get demolished by something ugly.

D4, welcome to stallions and puppy dogs. Ride through it all to the big circle on the map and save grandma.

This was a great campfire.
I feel heard in many aspects, disagree with a few decisions, but we’ll see how they turn out in PTR before I comment more on it.

I told you they still owe me 100$. I will be giving a lot more 2 cents. Only 2k posts. That is 40$. I got 60$ still left to get. And, I would like to see them get back the 14 million actual Diablo fans they lost.

I feel you’re going to lose an uphill battle here. By all means stick around if you like. Although I don’t think they’re going to listen to some one who doesn’t play their game regardless. I could be wrong, but just seems logical to me. Good luck to you.

They listen. They ban me every so often so someone is reading.

So you’re a disgruntled customer that keeps walking back into walmart, complaining, and getting pushed out the door. Yup, I’m sure they’re listening/reading every word and passing it up the chain.

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A tiny pebble can cause a tidal wave. Keanu Reeves taught me that.

How’s that been going for you so far?

Fairly good. And I know it gets up the chain. You act like people in those offices have better things to do than you or I do while we are at work.