[Season 4] Wow! There's no RNG on rolls. It is weighted!

Nice. As if your D2 clone would be any different from that description.

“install a so called free to play game, cant play endgame without paying for it, still tell people its free to play (lol), only get the really build creating items like watchers eyes or mirrortier weapons or a voices & that other stuff on trade”

Why would you bring up a minor league program in a discussion about the world cup, and name exactly the problems the minor league program has as problems of the world cup winner? ^^ That doesnt make any sense, no matter how you put it.

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You are assuming that the chances of getting each affix should be equal, but the developers specifically said they were not. They made a change in season 4 where they replaced a lot of the affixes people didn’t like with additional chances to find the generally-useful affixes. They told us this. Even an hour of playing the game makes it crystal clear that max life and main stat show up way more often than, say, plus to a skill.

We didn’t need Ava’s data to know that affixes were waited, and it is not performing differently than specified. As someone pointed out upthread, the options when you view them at the occultist are even sorted based on chance to appear.

I agree that they should use some additional indicator to help people understand which affixes are unlikely to appear, and the data does make it clearer what the chances are. But the moment S4 went live there were sites that had the datamined weights. I did a calculation in a thread over a month ago where I added up the weights for a specific piece of gear and saw that the rarest affixes were going to have a 1/100 or so chance of dropping.

It’s fine to argue whether this should be the design. But it isn’t shady, it isn’t working differently than specified.

Personally, I think weighted affixes are much better than unweighted because it opens a lot of design space for more niche or powerful affixes that are also more rare. It’s the same reason a CCG should have commons, uncommons, and rares. At the same time, that doesn’t mean the current weights are perfect.

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Yes, I understand, this promotes RMT trading, so this should not be changed. I would suggest that such items be immediately equated with uber-unique items (make the same designation) because, given the chance settings, they are no less rare.
And also adjust the difficulty without these and uber-unique items since this is just a chase item and players should not need it.
After that, return usefulness to skills such as +health, health regeneration, armor, and so on. The armor needs to be reduced in utility or so that the supercap provides some benefit. Same with elemental resistances.

We have 3-4 stats on the item, so that makes it about a 1/100,000 chance of getting with 3 of those stats and another 1/1000 for hardening. That is, it is less achievable than uber-unique.
Are you sure everything is fine with the system?

If this is 3GA then it is also uber uber unique.

And I still think I’m more than right. In this case, not a single freak will say that the fortunes of the RNG are unfavorable to me. This is the incompetence of the developer and such inadequate people as you who protect the system.
You even still think that the weighted system is good, although it stupidly slows down the progression of many players and spoils the gameplay.

I already realized that you are a new type of knight - an RMT knight.

There are 3 stats, never 4 (except for uniques). I don’t think you can roll multiple + to passives or skills on an item, so there are no combinations of 3 1/100 affixes. I assume by hardening you mean tempering? Tempering uses equal weights.

That said, there are some combinations that are BiS on certain items that are way, way more rare than the BiS combo on other items and not correspondingly more powerful. I think that should be corrected. Like I said, the specific weights are not perfect. I think they could be improved and I also think that higher level drops should tend to produce more of the rarer affixes. But I think the concept of weighted affixes open the possibility of doing that, whereas always having all affixes roll with equal weights ties your hands. If everything is equal then the only way to up the chances of better affixes is to drop worse ones entirely.

I mean, they could just give you an item designer where you select the exact items you want. Anything other than that is them artificially slowing down item progression. They do that because the game is more fun when you have to find the good gear and when there is always something better you can find that is worth chasing.

No, you are wrong here. If you use the same attack speed, you may not get attack speed all 5 times. Looks like gameplay is being tracked. And by the way, once I got an increase in damage on a teleport all 5 times, although the teleport was used as a defensive means (escape). So I don’t agree.

Then why aren’t more users keen on it? I’m personally not keen. As I already pointed out, we already have unique and uber unique. None of these items define the build since all skills are already selected up to level 50 and they drop out after level 70. We open paragons for already selected skills, so there is little point in taking them into account.
So you are wrong. This system was originally built to create disputes between players. You need items that you cannot get in most cases. You will of course have a chance to get this in the last 2 weeks, like cheese in a mousetrap, since at this time they turn off artificial restrictions on the loss of rare from rare. The average player won’t have enough time to finish everything anyway. Their tricks are already obvious.

They disable the limitation so that some players could say “I just didn’t have time this time,” although in truth it was impossible to make it in time in the first place.


They should have a way to let players “influence” the rolls IF they want to keep this weighted roll thingy.
E.g. see Rogue with temper of CHD unique to them only. So what will player do to influence their tempers? they create a rogue, unlock CHD temper then roll for it.

weighted stats on drops suck.

agree horrible design this


No wonder. Bricked 5 2starsGA, 10 1starsGA in 1 go.
Luckily i got it on 1 3*GA but it is the lowest roll I got. bugger

I bricked 4 Amulets in a row today when i tried rolling a Vulnerability Damage, even one with +2 Malice and +2 Exploit. All I got are Cutthroat chance, attack speed and damages! So weird!

Really?! It took people 4 seasons to realize it? D4 community is not the brightest one XD

Any tricks to roll +rank skills on gears?

I’m a little late to this reply but you didn’t have to watch Wudijo’s video to know there is extremely biased weighting at the Mystic.

I have tried for several rolls in the past and it is awful trying for certain ones.

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No. If it doesn’t drop with the +skills you want just move on from it. I have learned this the hard way this season that it just isn’t worth it.

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Well, people need to understand this, first step of the item journey is getting an item with the affix you want, if it does not have the principal affix, then it does not matter if the others are GA.

Unless you are ready to invest a lot, but then it was your decision bro.

I just don’t understand why all affixes don’t have equal chance do get , that’s all about arpg,they are supposed to be rng

fortunately there are still people here who also test something and don’t just write 3 sentences and then present their fake news as facts…

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I’m glad they are not weighted, because in the current situation, tempering is very terrible.

There is a lot to read on the subject in the forum with sometimes very interesting posts. I also believe there is no weighting when it comes to tempering or masterworking.

If you consider a true random process there is already around 50% chance for it to fail, more if you have to chose from 5 affixes. Here we have a pseudo random process, computer generated. If not properly done you get biased results even without weighting. Typical symptoms are multiple times the same value. This kind of problem was mentioned many times. With a large enough sample, the affect might disappear which is consistent with the tests that have been done. Most players will only do tempering on a limited number of items.

This is still a thing on Season 5.

My colleague was rolling for Crit damage also, out of 6 rolls, 5 of them are overpowered.

Same goes to my experience.
Before you reroll your item stats, temper them first, see if it did not brick