Season 4. Skeletal Mages

Me? I’d just swap out my attack speed on land of the dead activation, depending on gear if the cap of +100% attack speed is still a thing and if I had minion attack speed modifiers that already got close to that 100% cap.

I’m thinking more for applications on the eternal realm than seasonal here. Since I have a stupidly high lucky chance % modifier it’ll get triggered by corpse explosion, lotd and shadowblight lots. Just needs a little tweaking on stats to make that 1 aspect irrelevant to free up a slot.

I have a ring right now that has 27% chance to apply Vampiric Curse to an enemy, before I swapped it out for sac soul it was triggering non-stop off of the constant tiny chances the DoT would trigger. Same theory, should work just as well.

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You won’t have to swap it out:

Unyielding Commander Aspect

  • Previous - While Army of the Dead is active, your Minions gain 70-84% Attack Speed and take 90% reduced damage.
  • Now - While Army of the Dead is active, your Minions deal 70-100% increased damage and take 90% reduced damage.
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I misunderstood what triggers mendeln anyhow so I swapped it out since what I want is more DoTs to proc my lucky hits or more stuff to make my existing DoTs more debilitating.

I went shadow/minion hybrid with minions existing purely for corpse generation

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Well if you hybrid is more of a fishymancer setup like in D2, than you can neglect minion dmg, and can use Howl. But then comes the problem of the new tempering system. Do you realy want to leave slot without tempered affixes? If it’s only one slot, than it’s not that big of a deal I think.

I can just work up into it eventually and use old equipment.

Ended up getting a bunch of really good items and I can’t decide if I want to alter my build and by how much. Howl is something else with Blighted, 40k dmg corpse explosions before any modifiers mostly from a well placed and leveled Glyph so that stays for sure but Mendeln is also just something else.

My only real question is do I stick with Vampiric Curse on lucky hit, which almost always procs. It’s nuts. Or do I go for Attack Speed on Land of the Dead until the new content before farming out something to get high attack speed?

Reason why is because I have so many DoTs going off and an obnoxiously high lucky hit chance so I feel like I’m missing out on huge amounts of Mendlin procs because my minions aren’t attacking fast enough. It also helps my bone minions despawn them for situations where I’m corpse starved.