Scattered Prisms - it's a joke ? :)

That is definitely a whole different problem, and for that one, I feel for ya.

I like it, that we get them less than before

Same with Gem dust =o

We did’nt have to think before, and we could gem/socket every piece like candy

Now, you just need to see if the piece is worth the investment , anyway, over time, you should need less prisms


Here is another explanation. People who are pissed about their time being wasted actually “do not respect work”. Nothing in life is free and everything in Diablo you need to succeed is obtained by work.

I personally don’t see how they can make the game any easier without turning it into a game you beat in 12 hours and move on to another game.

Some janky logic running amok, as usual.

The OP’s complaint of scarcity or time-wasting is NOT relative to the World Clock or your own (you, the reader) experience - since you will have played at different rates, and will have different levels of ‘progression’. So first, find out how far the OP has progressed, and what content may have been neglected. That’s relevant context, and your own implicit experience isn’t. Making your knee-jerk sniping dumb and (irony!) a waste of time.

Re: “waiting on a 3 hour timer = work”… No, it’s not work. “Work” would be grinding difficult content. I doubt the OP - or others complaining about this drop rate - would complain about “work”. Gawd, what a dumb argument.

A reminder, too, that the WB timer was HALVED a few months ago (also helltide 2-hour downtime was removed), and various drop rates have been buffed or tweaked significantly… which negates any argument that wherever those settings happen to be is where they “ought to be so L2P”. No, obviously devs are responding to perceived imbalance (or tedium). If you endorse a specific drop rate or timer, say so & say why. Don’t pretend it was etched on a mountaintop and complainers are muh heathens.

Also: gems? Gems are now uber-endgame itemization? Get out.

I agree with whoever guessed that this was a random oversight (if the rarity really is what is being reported). They’ve shuffled around so many drop sources & rates that it wouldn’t surprise me this fell through the cracks.

I think they could fix this with a change on salvaging greater affix items.

1 affix = 5% chance for 1 prism.
2 affix = 50% for 1 prism.
3 affix = 1 prism (try to sell them first!!!)

they try to make the levelling more fun but then take away sockets
(youre silly if you burn sockets on non-lasting gear at this point)

same for gems now apparently. no point wasting gem mats for low-end gems as it is. seems a lot rarer. first time i dont get to upgrade all my gems when a new gem level becomes available heh

no more “upgrading” at the blacksmith while levelling either.

at the end of the day levelling was more fun prior to this season imo. now its just faster… but more boring.

Character progression is not game investment gated, it’s time gated. 1 world cache per week… no amount of work or D4 play time will make it any better or faster…

In fact, it’s a weekly FOMO…

Good luck to Barb, they need more sockets :grimacing:

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As a barb i second this post only getting 1 prism from a world boss too is crazy, i have so many things as a barb to socket what am going to have to do a world boss 11 times maybe more if armour doesn’t roll 2 sockets on drop , thats alot of world boss an time for one set of gear, so they expect you to be there every day multiple times a day or wait 11 days if your time is limited and you can only get one world boss a day to be able to socket one set of equipment, lets say say you want to upgrade later find better affix’s perfect etc that means you neeed to do it another 11 + times how am i suppose to do other charactars and get prisms for them when i have to waste so much time getting barb prisms?

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Indeed. They could hand us the game files and sell an actual game instead of a license to play as they did in ages past. The times where they did make a positive reputation.

One of the reason Blizzard change to license to play like many in the same industry so others can’t release mod to improve the game. They a made a blunder for not controlling the ownership of a Warcraft mod called DOTA which led to the development of the two most popular MOBA LOL and DOTA 2 owned by Riotd game and Valve.

Not related to this subject, just sharing :smile:

You can salvage the gems and get back all the materials you used to make them. Only thing you lose is the gold. Fill those gem sockets.

now look at you! and you are one of those shady gamers that support these shady practices! =/

Maybe don’t add sockets to everything? I’m almost 100 and I just started to add sockets to my gear. And I have around 12 of them.

Waste not, want not.


Yah it’s definitely harder to add slots, and probably too hard.

The difficulty makes me now have to weigh the cost of losing the open sockets on previous gear, something I’ve never had to consider.

There needs to be mutliple accessible ways of aquiring the prisims.

I have to wake up in the middle of the night to hit the world boss.

When i wake up, i go for a jog, go to the gym, do house chores, take care of my elderly landlord, go to work for 10 hours in the warehouse, come home to cook and shower.

I just dont meet the world boss timings unless the Devs make it spawn per hour.

run legion events and you get a lot of them

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I have done 3 legion event and i found 0 prism.

Instead i found one prism around helltide.

Add to this 3 world boss no prism from them.

Really not much in the time i have levelled from level 64 to 82.

Blizzard seems not understand Diablo isn’t a korean mmo.

Season 4 is lacking on some items:

  • scattered prisms
  • gold
  • materials for gem crafting
    In addition to that, glyph xp still too low and mat requirements for opening pits are to high.

Yeah, gating scattered prisms behind world bosses (only) is pretty sh**ty. It makes them an ‘elite only’ material.