S3 Possible Fixes for a Boring/Frustrating Season

I really don’t ever go out of my way to give feedback on official game forums but I absolutely had to with this season. I apologize in advance for bad formatting, again I don’t really post here so I’m doing what I think looks ok.

Some background on my past season experiences

  • I couldn’t play S1, it was boring and lacked depth I got to lvl 54.

  • S2 in comparison to S1 was literally leagues and miles better, I actually played WW Barb for the first time & hit lvl 100 (my previous highest lvl character was 77 when it launched). Completed a lvl 100 NMD, carried friends through harder content that they couldn’t solo. Truly it was shaping D4 into what I think we all want it to be. The vampire powers felt good once you found ones that synced well with your build. Overall this is the most fun I’ve had so far with D4 since launch and I was AMPED for S3.

-S3 drops barely 24hrs ago and every single ounce of enthusiasm I had is completely gone. I’m currently lvl 34.

Here are my issues

  1. The square traps on the ground are timed so bad it is actually impossible to move past them w/o getting hit if they are in sequential lines and alternate their on/off states. Example:
    There was a small side room that had a chest at the end and there was a about 5 lines of these traps stacked right next to each other and they turn off and on as follows: Line 5 would turn on and Line 4 off, once line 5 turns off you’re supposed to step onto it, wait for line 4 to turn off and move on top of it, all the way down to lines 3, 2, 1 until you get to the chest. The issue lies in the fact that no matter how quickly you move from line 5 to 4 you will ALWAYS get hit, there is not enough downtime between the traps turning on and off that is long enough for your character to register click to move or WASD movement to avoid getting hit.
    Give a 1.5- 2 second delay between the on/off states so it’s actually possible to dodge them and if you mess up the timing you know it was your fault.

  2. The room before the treasure room is quite literally the worst designed thing I’ve ever seen. Been playing games for 20+yrs and a 13yr old with Unity could do better. You don’t fill a room with traps and then turn them all on, then spawn tons of enemies in the room with little to no area to not get hit by a trap. That’s not fun at all, you know what I do when I get to these rooms? I find the only spot in the room that isn’t getting blasted by traps (there’s maybe 2 or 3 spots and they’re the size of your character) and I stand in one spot and PRAY an Elite with Fear doesn’t spawn (plot twist: it did happen and ran me straight into traps). This IS NOT FUN. You cannot tell me a dev played this and said “Golly gee that was wicked fun, I lost all my stacks and can’t open the bonus chest”
    Put the traps on a timer like you already do with other events. As the timer ticks down 1 set of traps starts turning on causing you to shift your fighting to different parts of the room.
    4 traps in the room, 2 minute timer, 1 set of traps turns on every 30 seconds, the traps remain on until the fight is cleared and if the player clears it before the time is up the event immediately ends and all traps are turned off. There would need to be CLEAR indications of which traps are starting to turn on with visual queues (i.e. pillars coming out of the ground with an effect around them once fully extended they start firing 3 seconds after being at full extension)

  3. The open world areas where you farm new materials are a shell of the season 2 areas. mob density feels off, the actual gameplay of turning off freezing pillars is uninventive and mundane, standing on a circle on the ground to spawn enemies has been done since launch why are we still doing this. The list goes on. (Disclaimer: I am only lvl 34 so maybe these areas change in World Tier 4 if they do then that’s my bad)
    I would literally accept a reskin of Season 2, running around opening chests, summoning a ton of bosses and so on. Come season 5 though this team that made this season better get it together.

  4. Edit: I understand at low lvls the pet won’t be some amazing game changer however I should feel something right? At the moment I don’t with initial testing.
    The senechal construct is really bad at low lvls, idk if it gets better at higher lvls and tbh I don’t even know if I’ll continue playing this season to find out. It’s always in another room taking on a hoard of enemies for some reason, the stones sound cool when I read their descriptions but they are so weak in actual gameplay.
    Stop beating Necromancer pets into the ground and then give us an ENTIRE 3 month season with a pet that has also been beaten into the ground. It’s like you want every player to know that you don’t like pets and want them to experience it first hand. You could remove this pet and I wouldn’t care it might honestly make the season better knowing I don’t have to spend hours and hours upgrading a worthless pet to get it to MAYBE do something.

Feel free to absolutely roast me or add to this thread but the above is how I feel about this season just over 24hrs in and how I think things should be reworked to “save” an otherwise DOA season. If I didn’t care about D4 I wouldn’t be here giving suggestions.


You haven’t played a full season yet and you’re giving suggestions how to fix them? Hmmmm… Must think highly of gaming knowledge. It’s like me critiquing a restaurant after only tasting one appetizer.


idk if you’ve been looking at the forums here or even on Reddit the sentiment is shared among a lot of players. There are a lot of bad choices made this season and there are fixes that would alleviate them.

To my knowledge vaults don’t change in higher world tiers (besides tougher enemies and higher mob density) so whether I do them at lvl 34 or at lvl 100 the result is still the same. Same with the open world areas, in Season 2 they didn’t change as you got to different world tiers with this knowledge it is extremely reasonable to assume they won’t change as you lvl in S3. This is why I put the disclaimer in.

As for the pet I saw someone mention because there are so many levels for each stone the power is spread out a lot more as you get more stones which makes sense, but the fact still remains at low lvls it’s useless and is often in another room doing it’s own thing.

Lets not actively cherry pick parts of peoples issues and take them out of context like you did here. I ultimately want D4 to succeed and so does everyone else, lets be a little more constructive.

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I believe the only way you can give decent criticism of the pets power is to actually level it up and reach some sort of endgame. You can’t tell us you got to level 34 and complain it’s not strong. You haven’t even properly tried. Of course it is weak. You’re weak. You’re level 34. There’s mountains of loot, rune leveling, glyph leveling, etc. before you can appreciate the powers. Get to 100 with the loot you need while getting your companion decently strong with the right runes that work with your build then come back and post this. I’m glad you are coming up with constructive criticism and ideas but play the game for more than a couple hours. I do like some suggestions but they aren’t viable until you give it a chance first.


I agree my stance isn’t very strong being lvl 34 when it comes to the pet. However you can draw conclusions based on initial testing of it, if it’s weak now, it’ll be weak in comparison to when I’m lvl 100 and it has all the bells and whistles added to it. Like I said though I could very much be wrong and I know it’s stretch to draw that conclusion. The initial testing of it though doesn’t make me want to play more same with how the vaults are currently setup. I don’t want to slog through content for the slight off chance I’m completely wrong and they turn out better at higher lvls. Thus far the D4 team hasn’t exactly been the greatest. So my hope for them to turn things around is low.

My thing is that, most people haven’t done any work into knowing what they’re doing.

For example, the construct is not a minion and does not follow the minion design. Minions get 30% of your stats, the construct gets 100% of your stats. In both instances they gets stronger as you progress but the construct progresses to a much higher degree. Of course it’ll be weak at low levels or when you’re not geared. How many people are geared properly right now? Almost none. Even everyone’s favorite exploit streamer who got to level 100 in like 12 hours isn’t geared properly. How can people make solid judgements on something that’s not leveled itself and not getting the stats you will have of you geared?

Further, is the expectation that the construct is the full damage of your character? I think that’s kind of silly as an expectation. I hope that’s not what people expect. Is it a pure damage increase over what you can build through normal character progression? Absolutely, undeniably. Can it provide additional support benefits to you as a player? Absolutely. The construct is a tool that you can customize to your play style whether it’s shoring up some defenses or adding some damage, it’s not a character replacement.

Could traps be better? Sure. Do they make the game unplayable? Don’t be ridiculous. For instance I’ve run several vaults and they aren’t even remotely threatening. If anything I feel foolish for the first run I did where I used 3 pearls to get 9 stacks of the buff. Wasted them. The open world “traps” are far worse in my opinion. As a necro I always get hit from those due to lacking mobility. Like that fireball shooting one that shoots them out in a rotation and then flips to go back. I get hit by at least 2 of those every time it fires. I don’t think I’ve gone below half health from that but the spread could be a bit wider. On the other hand. I’ve never seen that in a vault, luckily. Now I can see the traps in the vaults and open world being trivial to all the other classes due to their access to mobility skills so maybe that’s a layer I haven’t experienced. That triviality could change my opinion but as a necro I’m having fun with them.

There are no fixes coming except for game-breaking issues. It should be obvious by now that each season is a beta test for testing features that may or may not be coming to future expansions. (Hint: robot companions have probably been removed from internal roadmaps already.)

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im level 45 already, and so far its trash.

Im only in for the battlepass, that i had some platinum leftover, after i unlock im gone.

Yeah I’m not expecting it to be balls to the wall crazy. I’ll edit my post to “initial testing of the pet” or something along those lines. I get that at higher lvls it is supposed to scale better, I’m more drawing a very poor conclusion of what it may be like at lvl 100 which in hindsight isn’t giving it a full shot at all. I’m also basing this off other posts I’ve read of people higher lvl than me not having a great time with it. Like you said though people are not at optimal builds yet and really don’t know what to do until they have more time with it.

The traps in vaults undoubtedly need some reworking, when it’s impossible to time them in the example I gave in my post it is inherently broken and not working as intended. Even the last room before the loot room is overall a terrible design. I’m not sure how they’re trivial to you, I’m also playing Necro and they’re an absolute nightmare to deal with and if I continue with this season I will not be caring at all about bonus loot. It’s not worth the headache that myself and several others have experienced with them so far. I personally don’t even see how another class with more movement is beneficial because the traps themselves are poorly placed & designed. If anything more movement would give you more chances to over shoot and end up in a trap.

No, it’s okay. I understood what you meant. I was commenting on a lot of the other full blown rage posts. I put “most people” because I was trying to clue in to the mass of responses not yours specifically.

Mostly that there’s a few locations in the trap rooms, even the last ones, where you can stand or move around in and not get any hits against you. That’s where I get my trivial from. The whole flame floor hallway in the beginning of the story is probably the hardest non-open world trap section in the game. The rest of them have these “safe spaces” to stand in. One of the trap rooms has a space that looks like a + sign right in the center that gets no trap hits, another has space between 2 dart traps on the northwest wall that’s the size of like a 2x2 4 ‘squares’ where you don’t get hit. There’s another room with the entire wall space clear from traps. And it goes on. I don’t know if they made these “safe spaces” on purpose but they trivialize everything. When all the enemies are defeated, the traps shut off, so you can either spend time dodging or just kill everything to not worry about the traps.

When I say trivial, I mean it. My build is pretty much only running Bone Splinter and minions (sacrificed Golem), and everything dies so fast because there just aren’t that many targets on screen at once. Luckily warriors and mages don’t count as getting hit so who cares where they go. :joy: Once the enemies are dead, just walk over their corpses and spent traps. There are some non-trap room traps that won’t deactivate but you can generally walk along the wall and never get hit. There is one hallway that has you run through the center of the hallway on carpet but if you click to move in smaller bites you won’t risk the pathing being stupid and you won’t get hit.

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Or play more and get Movement speed stats on boots and Amulet. Also get the Aspects that buffs movement speed. This is something you get along the way. But you are whining becoz you failed on DAY 1.

How about play more and get more Warding buffs? YOu should be having tons of stacks at this stage becoz you kept getting hit over and over. But you choose to go on with it with limited stacks.

How about play more and come up with a build where you would be immune to CC? And capable to move fast. And how about play more and more until you figure out some awesome clever solutions. But no, you insist that you have to beat this game in day 1 with your inferior lowbie toon. ROFL.

I’m lowering my expectations to fix the seasonS. It’s working.

  1. You did not read my issue with the traps and skipped straight to my solution thus taking the solution out of context. Movement speed would not fix this when the traps activate/deactivate at the same time you’re supposed to move. No amount of movement speed would fix this.

  2. So the solution is to brute force every trap and just get hit by them by stacking a ludicrous amount of warding buffs? What’s the point of the traps then at that point? If the traps are not working correctly (which is my theory) then they should be fixed that’s the point of players playing the game and providing feedback like I did.

  3. Even becoming immune to CC doesn’t negate the fact that trap placement is bad, you can’t become immune to CC at all times if you could everyone would be running an immune CC build (I’m sure you maybe could but your dmg output would be abysmal) , and has no depth to them whatsoever. It’s not fun and I will stand by that. There are better ways to do this and they chose the least clever way to do it. Again, players playing the game and providing feedback.

My fix is much simpler and quicker.

Uninstall and play something else.

This game is just not fun.


DEV Feedback: Why Traps dont work :mouse_trap: - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (blizzard.com)

I just did this write up to hopefully make sure this season never returns or traps never return in current format. Its too late for S3 though. These traps are so god awful.

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How about no. It sucks. The end.

Yeah I don’t have an issue really with most of the traps throughout the vault except for the instance I mentioned above with the square traps all in a row. If I had to narrow down my complaint it’s the very last trap room before the loot room. Yeah there are parts where you can “hide” but you still have to stand still for the most part and hope enemies (if you’re melee hope the ranged mobs come closer) come to you. Most the time they do which is ok but the solution again is to just stand in one spot, it’s not engaging in a meaningful way. At least with my solution above it makes you think about the room and keep an eye out for traps about to pop up. You can drag mobs to another spot and keep on fighting.

At the end of the day I get what you’re saying, to me (and it appears a lot of other players) it’s just not fun and feels more like a chore than anything. I’m sick of chore like tasks in games disguised as “fun”. WoW has already been doing it to me for 18-19yrs, I don’t need them to add it into another game lol.

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I just really, really wish one day they’ll stop making seasons about gimmicks (vampire powers, robot friend) and actually about a genuinely satisfying loot hunt. They knocked it out of the park with D2. They fumbled but eventually recovered a bit with D3. But the loot game in D4 remains atrocious.

You should know immediately if something drops if its good for you or not, not analyzing each rare item for 20 seconds to see if it rolled 3 out of the 50 good affixes for you.

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Here’s to hoping the itemization update in Season 4 is any good. Lets see how well this comment ages in three months lol.