S3 Feedback Vult/necro

Hi! First my english is not the best so sorry for missspelling etc,
Vults are to long , and give to litel reward for the time spent, and you are forecd to do vults to get all tuning stones and uppgrade,

Traps+Corps Explosion dont work and if the enemys have poisen is even worst the hole room is a big cluster F so you can see traps… Rly need to get CE fixed on PC so it dont cover the Hole ground. i whant to see stuff on the ground and use my skills :smiley:

pet Feels why to week,

Why have you Draged out the game on Item Lvls ? the game is just Slower now,
is not a Fix to the problem thet you gear to fast. is just a Slowdown on the game overall,

i have run NM dungons vult and normal the time it Takes make it not feel worth to play ,
so now im just going to max out the BattelPass to 100 then im Prob out ,
And levling more charrs this season Takes way to long time to get the pets going to even feels worth the time for it ,

And the Chains OF CC must be fixed!
and PS : Nerf Barbs :wink:

I just did a post on this and mentioned it as a clutter problem as well.

DEV Feedback: Why Traps dont work :mouse_trap: - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (blizzard.com)


what about them? i started barb and it feels really weak compared to others. like what the heck man

Try the Charge skill then and you will Wrom Wrom

Barb always seems to suck to level for me. But once in paragon levels and appropriate gear, it trashes everything. That said, I’m not running a barbarian this season. I decided to remake a minion build but do it my way. Hopefully someone buys me a streaming PC, etc. so I can show it off for the naysayers. :rofl: