Resplendent spark not dropping from first Lilith kill this season

Resplendent spark not dropping from first Lilith kill this season On ps5

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It is also not dropping on eternal for me (first time kill) or seasonal

When will we see them in the inventory?

I also did not receive one after my first uber boss and did not receive on after completing the season’s campaign.

Same for me and the wife :frowning:

Same, finally killed her just now , and didn’t get the drop. Loving the game but frustrating that a rare item has a bug. Hopefully they will fix or credit account.

Still bugged, not got my spark :frowning: From Ps4 pro.
Please help. Customer support just responded to write here.

I just killed lillith on torment 1 with a eternal charecter and i did not get the resplendent spark either on ps5. Are they fixing this?