Ray tracing when would be nice?

works with amd cards? or only with nvidia trash?

the ONLY team that truly underappreciated and did their job very nicely and admirably in that whole company is the graphics team.
We have a LOT more things to be fixed before that.
I admit , I really want more character customization. But that’s a minor issue comparted to state of this game.

yeah at 5 fps, good luck with your AMD.

If RT is done right the lighting in most dungeons/scenes would be great. It shouldnt take much resources to put it in anyway.

March 26.


We will have a blog before the 26th with a great breakdown on the tech being included along with some good before/afters.


I don’t get ray tracing at all it adds nothing to the game except bad frame rates and shiny stuff

I’m saying this because my computer is crap and it makes me feel better :disappointed:


Ah cool, thanks for the update.

To be fair its not really super important to me to have it in d4 either but yea, it got advertised, so its good to hear its finally coming :smiley:

I’m assuming you’ll be equipped with several strengths of magnifier glasses which will no doubt be necessary to pick out those details easily, right? :wink:

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I’m just curious if there are plans to upgrade DLSS to 3.5 with the upcoming Ray Tracing integration.

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Calls one company trash; is concerned favorite company won’t be as good.

Getting my new pny 4060 ready for ptr :smile:

Excited! Upgraded my computer specifically for this update, last May. Looking forward to the blog and update!

FSR 3.0 would be a godsend. Fixing up the sub-60fps camera issues will be necessary since most people will likely see a major performance hit with ray tracing on.

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Game is fundamentally broken, but NVIDIA marketing adds another bunch of money layer just by requesting Raytracing.

I am glade you jumped on it, but I hope, you use the money well.

Real question would be, do you support PSSR for the PS5?
Or just quick money grab from NVIDIA for PC?

Ray tracing isn’t a fancy perk. It’s not extra money. It’s a standard feature in a 2024 AAA game.


i get like 500 fps on my 4090, its ok if i lose some framerates for some extra shiny stuff, its why i got a 4090 lol


I am up for this and I will enable at full power when available.

rather have no horse lag than that and real quality content not this b-grade odd season quality we have been given for season 1 and season 3

how can anyone take you serious look at this game look at it’s direction a multimillion dollar company getting destroyed by some little studio Blizzard need to make serious changes within the ranks of the Diablo 4 teams from the top to the bottom.