Ray tracing when would be nice?

any word this month?


Don’t we have more important things to get fixed here?:joy:


Who is Ray and why would you want to trace him?

Honestly, I don’t even notice the graphics for D4. Mine are jacked up and for this genre I couldn’t really tell you much of a difference in games released between now and the last decade or so.


do not care 1 f bit about ray tracing. i got a 3090 and I run all low … :smiley:

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So you want the game to take on a more realistic lighting? Sure why not. I’d prefer more content myself, but to each their own.


I’m just going to assume it’s been delayed until April or Season 4. It’s already near mid March and a major patch just dropped with no sign of any other major patch in March.

The game will look amazing with ray-traced shadows and reflections but I can wait. I’d rather they get it right the first time.

So would a working game, but i guess its coming in S4, D4 runs so bad on my machine as is i think i wouldn’t even use RT, but for those more fortunate sure why not.

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Hopefully by expansion we have a working game :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

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LOL Yeah what the game needs is some ray tracing. This is the funniest thing I think I’ve ever seen on these forums.

ill leave that up to u guys :slight_smile:

bro i want raytracing just like FrankZappa, i didnt get a 4090 for no reason my man. lol


I would rather have 200 more unique items and 5 more character classes wouldn’t you?

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Ray Tracing was supposed to be in at launch, it’s one thing they’re incredibly behind on. Since it’s been almost a year they’ve likely already postponed it multiple times to prioritize game development instead.

I don’t understand what the point in getting an RTX card is if you aren’t at least somewhat interested in Ray Tracing. It’s literally in the name and it’s the entire reason DLSS exists.

it doesn’t work like that. They don’t stop making unique items and character classes just to implement raytracing.

confirmed march 26th.


That’s against GDPR.
EU will not accept this.


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works with amd cards? or only with nvidia trash?

the ONLY team that truly underappreciated and did their job very nicely and admirably in that whole company is the graphics team.
We have a LOT more things to be fixed before that.
I admit , I really want more character customization. But that’s a minor issue comparted to state of this game.

yeah at 5 fps, good luck with your AMD.

If RT is done right the lighting in most dungeons/scenes would be great. It shouldnt take much resources to put it in anyway.