Rank 1 D3 player opinion

just like my friend said once, jobless neet who does not shower

Have they actually said they were going to do PoE style seasons? Or are they going to do D3-style seasons? The latter seems more likely to me.

D3 basically added nothing in their ‘seasons’ which felt more like a Double XP Weekend event than an actual content expansion. I’ve played 2 or maybe 3 Diablo 3 seasons: The one where I first started playing, then another one or two when a friend tried to convince me that having your character summarily deleted to replay the game again was a ‘fun part of the game’ and I have to adamantly disagree.

Putting 100+ hours into a character to make them stronger feels fun, but telling me I can’t play that character anymore makes me not want to play the game at all.
What sane individual thanks that’s a ‘reward’?

this is such a cooked take, i see it everywhere. Yes, it just released, but most games change more before they release than after they release. Nobody is interested in waiting 5 years for the “good” diablo 4 experience to finally arrive.

The reason the box price is so high and they locked early access behind the higher price is they lack confidence in their monetization for the long-term because they know they’re at very high risk of not retaining players with the current version of the game.

If they had high confidence in their monetization, diablo 4 would be f2p like PoE. If they had high confidence, it would have one release date without some early access crap.

They have a pretty crap game rn; they will make it f2p eventually if the monetization works, but it has a price now because they’re scared of failing (for good reason). They know there are enough people who will buy literally anything they publish that they can recover development costs from box price and nobody will blink even if the game is riddled with problems.


Get truly perfect gear and level each class, then do it all in hardcore as well. That’s what D2 and D3 were.

Or go troll in pvp and make your own fun.

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im sorry… who are you? Rank1 diablo 3 player? i think that goes to Kripp… if you didnt beat nightmare mode before nerfs, you are just ghetto trash living off nerfs… amirite?

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And the new seasons is where they’ll lose the most players, spending hundreds of hours building your character, getting gear and then players who are new to the franchise are suddenly told, well all of that is for nothing and you have to start from scratch so you can chase a few shiny new items for a few weeks to a few months just for you to do it all over again…and again…and again.

This is why D3 and D2R lost massive portions of the playerbase when seasons went live. Ever think why original D2 kept a huge chunk of its playerbase through the years and through Lords of Destruction?

I doubt it at later stages. Most PC players I knew hated D3.

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The average player wont finish a campaign within 2 weeks.


Thats so weird because my PC friends ended up trying out the last 2 seasons of D3 and loved it. I don’t personally know anyone who didn’t like the gameplay, the story and art direction were not great but the gameplay was solid imo.

The mob density in the game doesn’t exist, you run from pack to pack of 3 mobs to 3 mobs, and use some spenders and get your mana back very slowly with useless passives and a generator that deals sim little dmg it might as well heal the monster…. I’m level 95 and since level 5 I have told myself that I will feel strong and it never comes. Game is terrible.

Poe 2 is around the corner with 17 new confirmed classes and skill overhauls that you would imagine a new game would bring us.

Diablo 4 provided the same campfire with the same exact classes from 2 decades ago, with a more rudimentary skill tree with 3 playable builds per class. Next season of Poe is around the corner. Soon this game will only be played by 45 year old boomer dads trying to feel the emotion they felt when they were a teenager again. They dropped the ball hard.


I agree that the gameplay was solid. I don’t hate it. Just wasn’t my personal favorite.

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I think you can. Fairly easily. It really depends on if you are doing the side quests/activities or just b-lining through the campaign.

That 100 grind is very real though. I think a lot of players will give up long before getting there. Especially considering that after you hit 50, nothing really changes.

If not for the occasional glyph, the paragon board is not much different than the prior paragon system (just a stat boost) except now you pick which stat.

You’ve lost or forgotten what the “average gamer” is. In this summary you’re stating that the average gamer, who likely isn’t perfectly min/maxing is maxing out their character in ~36 hours. Edit: Not saying level 100 btw but “relatively max’d out character”

Not saying whether or not your points are valid or invalid. Just… that shows a HUGE disconnect on what the average person is going to put into Diablo 4 weekly. Maybe “average hardcore user” sure

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Mostly accurate, expect the boomer dads will the first ones to leave because this doesn’t capture the feeling or emotions of D2 at all, lack of good itemization so I don’t feel any connection to my character and can easily go 20+ levels without finding any good upgrades, lack of playable builds once again severely hurts the game too and that is why I’m angry at blizzard for its usual overzealous nerfs.


I just find it odd how “boomer” is now dropping to late Gen-X // Early Millenials

o.O … it’s coming for me soon gulp

The core problem is class design and itemization suck big time. Amazingly they have less skills than D3 did but can’t seem to make more than 1/5th of them worthwhile per class.

The paragon board only enhances builds that are all ready good. It doesn’t enable new builds to emerge or become playable.

Too much wasting players time by having them run long distances to their stashes.

Overly simplistic crafting system that they copy pasted from D3.

They should have saved nightmare dungeon access to around level 85-90. Created a bunch of super hard end game bosses to take on. Increased leveling pace for solo players between 45-100.

Paragon board shouldn’t be just a bunch of stats with %multipliers. It should change how your abilities work, with some minor stat and % enhancements used sparingly.

The game is great atmospherically, but it’s sorely lacking in almost every other way. Blizzard devs tend to dig in their heels with their visions for their game. So I’ll be surprised if they fix any of the core issue. We’ll see a ton of nerfs, with very few meaningful buffs.


Nah dude. More than that. How come the den of evil has more mobs in it than all of act one in d4? Games crazy dude.

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That’s an easy fix. Getting all the classes in a good place will be much more challenging because of the underlying systems and rules in place.

I can’t see them overhauling the item system or talent twig. Which both really need to happen. You can see that had certain synergies in mind with the talent tree and class abilities, but many abilities don’t get the support they need to function at all for even the mid game.

Nice post. I was thinking about what you said with longevity. So we have the campaign mode and our current end game content seemingly gets old before 1k hrs played. Assuming the player doesn’t want to level up another character and replay the same content again. Honestly I see a lot of players saying they’re bored already, but none of them ever post an idea of what they think would make it more fun for them to keep playing.

I thought Blizz could start by adding an endless dungeon challenge where you go through portal and enter a random boss fight. If you win you get boss drops and another portal opens to level 2 where you will fight an even harder boss (maybe an uber) and so on… Maybe it can go up to level 100 or infinitely. Or they different types of those dungeons as in one with portals and one that keeps going downstairs. With things like mounts being able to drop, blizz could add anything they wanted to make it very rewarding.

IDK I don’t get much playtime so while I wait in queue I thought I’d share an idea. Not trying to turn this into a “Make your own idea” thread either. Anyways based off of your gaming experience with these sorts of games I want to say thanks for sharing your thoughts.


The only time I’ve felt this was diablo is when things get crazy in helltides.