Quick Summary for us who been distant

Correct. I started Season three, I think I was a Sorc… Firewall/Meteor. It was fun, maxed her out, went on a handful of Duriel runs and then walked her out to the pasture, that is Diablo 4.

I would guess that was around Mid Feb. I knew the date 4-16. But then my buddy told me on the phone it was moved. I have not watched one thing about Diablo 4 and the changes they are making.

If it truly as some said above a new game, gaming may be dying with me…Games are becoming a chore. Grind for this gun, Grind for this skin, Grind for this. Or come over to our fancy store and pay and get this nice shiny thing instantly.

This is how far gaming has fallen. The fact this game company is essentially rolling out a new game, we been beta tested… i wish I could write in a NON PG Setting on this site, but i get banned faster than a fat kid going for seconds on his birthday cake.