PVP Forgotten again?

Has PVP been forgotten again this season? Can we at least update the shops? I don’t recall them being refreshed since the original game launch. :frowning:


Would like to see the other exclusive transmog set which was datamined long time ago.

Well you can imagine PvP to be the cherry on top of the cake.
Sadly, every time the cake seems to be almost done, they drop it on the floor with some rework and introduce so many new bugs and imbalances that they need another 2 Seasons to bake a new one… to drop it again.

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HC player here… while I don’t honestly care about PvP I still can relate to your frustration. Blizzard put HC and PvP in the game from the start and then largely forgot about both of our groups as players.

Every patch I have to log on with a test character to see how broken the game is before I dare use a toon I’ve put any work into and am almost always greeted with crashes or hangs. This season was brutal with the initial drop and the DLSS debacle of the Halloween event.

For PvP it’s all about class balance and we know Blizzard cares eff all about that. Has there ever been a season that wasn’t broken in PvP by some class being massively bugged?

Does anyone still play PVP? :sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy:

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pvp doesn’t get love because almost no one plays it. I would love to see good pvp here, but a prerequisite for good pvp is good class balance which we are still soooo far away from.

I think they know well that further investment in PvP at this stage with such massive class imbalance would only generate more rage among the community.

in S3 pvp was essentially barbs and necros roaming around 1 shotting everything, S4 immortal firebolt sorcs would just laugh at everyone as they fall over and die totally unable to do any damage to them. in S5 here comes sorc again killing you with lightning spear from off screen. S6 insta-death to SB poison before you can cast a skill.

Do we really need more of this?

Don’t get me wrong I LOVE PvP. it is my absolute favorite endgame activity, but D4 is not in a good place to grow this right now imho


Diablo should nebve ever have PvP. There’s no point on having it, it’s unusefull and a waste of time. It 's not even an endgame activity. Put simply, it’s rubbish.

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Thanks for sharing your opinion about PvP

Many players do enjoy PvP and would play it in D4 if the game were in a state that was conducive to fair PvP.

PvP is endgame by definition in that it is an activity that “players who have completed all content can engage in endlessly for continued enjoyment of the game”

This in no way means that people who find it to be “pointless, useless, and a waste of time” need to play it :wink:

The above notwithstanding, I do agree that PvP should in no way have any investment with the game in its current state. It would only be destructive to an already fraught situation.

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