Pursue Celestial Fortune in Lunar Awakening

Pursue Celestial Fortune in Lunar Awakening

Activate snake-themed Lunar Shrines for 100% bonus experience. Earn Ancestral Favor Reputation to receive festive rewards.

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February 4, 10 a.m.–February 18, 10 a.m. PST

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Activate any Shrine found in Sanctuary (Nahantu included) to earn 100% bonus experience (multiplicative) for 2 minutes and an enhanced power, all while earning Ancestral Favor Reputation.

Travel to Ked Bardu and head to the North of town to find Ying-Yue. This is where you’ll redeem your Ancestral Favor Reputation.

Lunar Shrines provide an exciting bonus effect on top of their regular Shrine power; the Lunar Shrine effects are listed below.

Augmented Lunar Shrine Effects
  • Artillery Shrine – Casts have a chance to summon a holy bomb.

  • Blast Wave Shrine – Each explosion summons a cluster bombardment.

  • Channeling Shrine- Increased attack speed and chance to reset cooldowns.

  • Conduit Shrine – Summon frequent, powerful, shocking strikes.

  • Greed Shrine – Chance to summon a Treasure Goblin. While the Shrine is active, kills summon a Treasure Goblin.

  • Lethal Shrine – Chance to instantly execute a struck monster, causing Fear on surrounding monsters.
    • Note: this includes Elites, but excludes Bosses and other Players.

  • Protection Shrine – You reflect all incoming damage. Damage reflected scales with Level and Difficulty

There are 10 Ancestral Favor Reputation Levels in total to earn with rewards such as a Resplendent Spark, and 6 different Lunar-themed cosmetic rewards to unlock, including the new Trag’Oul’s Consort mount*. Once you’ve climbed through the reputation levels, continue earning additional rewards in the form of Unceasing Gifts from the Ancestors.

*Previous Lunar rewards such as the Lunar Scepter, Dragon’s Courage, Moonshot Bow, Dragon’s Tapestry, Moon’s Bounty, and Trag’Oul’s Consort cosmetics can only be earned once.

Various Rewards obtained through the reputation grind:

Note: You can only earn these rewards once, as stated above.

These items are purchasable in the shop while the event is going on:

Note: Please do not confuse these with the free items they give you.


Dear Blizzard,

I’m still waiting for my Nyan Cat barding…

Just want to throw a friendly reminder that nothing speaks of horror and carnage like riding into battle on a poptart cat with rainbows streaming out of its tushy!

:cat2: :rainbow_flag:


The pay horse is kinda nice, but not nice enough for the likely price.

Why does the free horse have pepperoni sticking out of him?

this was fun last time, hopefully they’ve worked out all the kinks :smiley:

the horse is the same. The difference is the barding.

Was hoping for bug fixes.

Why the delay? Today is the start of the Lunar New Year.


Yay, new event.
Earn part of a set, purchase the rest.

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Surely 2 minutes is a typo…lol

New? As in exactly the same as the last time?

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Interesting… the gold-leaf-on-white looks pretty cool… but they made the beads on the mane all the same red color. Last year’s beads have more color contrasts, including green jade (which is thematic).

Also: why bother displaying a bareback horse if we can’t actually ride it bareback? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: If you remove the barding, it has ugly gray tarp on it. Seems like an easy fix, they already have the assets - just enable it at the stable.

So only one new cosmetic? Disappointing.

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Cool, now if only Blizz would fix the technical issues when portalling around the world so some of us don’t need to close and re-open the game every 5-10 minutes, then maybe more of us can enjoy the treats.

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Did I read that the buff is 2 minutes?

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yep XDD [202020chars]

That’s 2 minutes of high quality demon smashing, two whole minutes!!! /s


Bro, I laughed hard with the 2 mins buff xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

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Woooooooo another recycled event.

Glad they’re keeping us on our toes.

Also, as someone who loves the Josean dragon, why don’t we get a Spiritborn version of the armour this year? Or maybe they are keeping it secret… Or maybe they were just too lazy to include it here. I hope we get a minister hat1!!111

Great Job!

Nothing like pandering to our Chinese overlords with a recycled event!

Thats some AAA Blizzard quality.

Maintenance mode after 1.5 years, Kek