PTR Notes - That's it?

It’s mostly buffs - and some good ones too.

But was kinda hoping Rogue would get a bit more love. I got super excited when I saw some of the updated Dodge powers, but I’m not sure if an actual Flurry/TB Dodge build will be viable.

Would have loved to see some more support for dodging both within the skill tree and Paragon boards.

I do really like the updated stealth abilities, definitely something to mess around with if I can ever drag myself away from Necro long enough because they just buffed Minions to the Moon.

Going full dodge with the supporting aspects could be a big thing after next patch.

I am also a bit disappointed, that there is nothing for melee rogues.
I don’t want to be forced to play ranged to be able to compete in the pit.


Eh, there’s a number of nice changes to Flurry and a very minor buff for TB so that isn’t “nothing” but not as much as I’d like. I still think Barrage and Rapid Fire are too similar, would rather just axe barrage and have Multishot come back but whatever.

I’m actually kind of curios about all the stun grenade changes - specifically what happens if you combine some of them with the aspect (I think it’s an aspect?) that causes all your grenades to be considered traps.

Inner Sight TB build using the new dodge aspects seems kind of nutty tbh + CQC dodge buff (?).

Still planning on running a Death Trap Flurry Grenade build again since I did it last season and it was really lacking - hopefully buffs to grenades finally solve its single target damage problem.

Although I do want to try a Rapid Fire build with new unique since crafting seems to have extra projectiles possibilities. Kind of think ranged builds may be meta next season (especially ones that have minions too Conjuration Sorc or Necros minions with bone spears).

Kind of surprised we didnt see a Shadow Step buff considering theres one aspect that buffs damage for consecutive uses that never sees play.

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Yeah it would be cool to see a unique that just turn charges Shadow Step’s damage when used from Stealth.

I think with the new stuff being added and Azurewrath changes Cold Rogue is going to be the meta.

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I just want to use all the grenade aspects and grenades count as traps aspect like I’m doing now and have it do tons of damage, especially if exposure key passive grenades get damage increased, then I’ll be in heaven.

Constantly evading, Ss/caltrops along with evade and entering/breaking stealth creating grenades is going to be insane! Works well enough now even with inner sight and flurry, even took out barbs in PvP, stun locked forever. Now if they can deal tons of damage as well!!!

Im very excited about the changes, going to go Preparation Rogue again, Flurry Grenades but think I’ll try out more with the Frostbitten aspect now and wondering if I should just drop Lethal Dusk/Shadow Imbue and go no imbue this season. I’m not even sure I need the grenade to traps this time around if I’m still going Death Trap and possibly introducing Caltrops into the build.

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I’m stunned there are no changes to shadow clone besides the minor bug fix to No Witnesses.

For those unaware Shadow Clone either has been bugged since S1 start or deliberately made a dead skill by the devs. Shadow Clones do not get ANY of your character buffs from paragons, aspects, passives, etc. There’s a youtube video from Xarrio that visually shows the current state of the ult.

If the devs say these are not bugs but features, then it is easily the worst skill in the game, not just ultimate. It needs to be actually fixed, heavily buffed, given a complete rework, or just removed/replaced from the game. It is strictly used as a artillery shrine proxy or to proc beastfall boots for meme builds. #saveshadowclone


Oh I am painfully aware of this.

I wanted to make a Shadow Clone build in S2 centered around copying Rapid Fire with Tibaults for just pure silliness but nope - they don’t get any of your buffs whatsoever and their damage is capped horrifically low.

It’s probably going to stay a dead skill like Rupture , Kick & Incinerate for a while (I know the other 2 got buffed a bit but I’m not holding my breath)

There’s honestly far too many skills that are depressingly weak or gain little to no benefit from investing more than 1 point into across all the classes. I was hoping that might get addressed but likely gonna have to wait until S5.

I still don’t understand why Barrage and Rapid Fire are two “different” skills - the only real difference is their firing pattern; both can ricochet and basically function the same just one shoots faster and narrower and the other spreads out a tiny bit.

Seriously just delete Barrage already and put in Multishot.

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It’s hard to scoff at an overhaul this big tacked onto a seasonal patch. It’s easy for all of the classes to wish there was more because so much has been needed given the state the game has been in but I think with several classes they’ve done a decent job of buffing things that can potentially help multiple builds.

The itemization changes is where we will really see how good (or not good) they did.

I expected more in the path notes…They simply improve arrow rain, equiva and grenades. They left poison and melee combat the same. It’s a class that needs attention. We have a shadow claw glove that I have 35% of luck hit to create a shadow when hitting a vulnerable enemy. This is very conditioning, apart from the fact that the glove is one of the sources of lucky hit and it doesn’t have one. In other words, to use it I reduce my luck hit doesn’t make sense. Victimizing I need a single crosbow with more damage Vulnerable or it will always lose to accuracy. I still don’t accept just pucture being able to cause poison and not all basic skills. I think there are still a lot of things stuck in conditionals and with high cooldown times. No matter how good the aspect damage I will never use something that has 15% of throwing grenade when dodging. Players don’t like what they can’t control. Let’s see the manuals if it will really make a difference.


The best Shadow Clone I have been able to make was using Barrage, Inner Sight, Scoundrels leathers, and the Shadow Clone unique gloves + Aspect to let Clone copy shadow/cold imbue.

Having the clone fire cold and shadow imbued barrages helped a lot, whether it’s freezing guys or allowing me to evade through them for stealth.

Other than that, couldn’t figure out a way to have it deal damage.

This really bugs me. Do the devs have plans for Pestilent Points to work on ALL basic skills, or ANY kind of buffs to make them comparable to puncture!?

I hope blade shift gets a buff, I really want to like it!