Ptr disengagement

I know PoE is out, the initial PTR day was bugged, but I haven’t seen this level of disengagement on a PTR ever.

Loot reborn saved the game, you had great reviews from casuals and blasters. The stat squish and re-reloot reborn were both not recieved well. Pit grinding is a grind, world and other endgame systems need to be brought up so players arnt locked into 300 hrs of pit 90s. The item hunt is in a wierd place with aspects.

Class balance is broken, so many bugs on the ptr we cant test balance. But the buffing for 5% every patch taking 1.5 years to make ultimates worth is not working. Core skills and class themes, mechanics need to be looked at still.

You need to make some sweeping changes that bring engagement back. Even the red cloak horror event was downsized? Where’s the cosmetics, the chase?

Idk what to do but hopefully some big changes can balance the game and bring a sense of renewed blasting cuase more of season 6 isn’t seeming to cut it.


I played PTR for 2 days. Fresh character, did the seasonal content for the most part, leveled all the way to 60. The headhunts are fun, and drops were generous. Then it was time for the Pit, and oh boy, do I hate grinding the Pit. I leveled 5 glyphs to 100 in season 6, and didn’t bother with different builds or alts, because I didn’t want to do more Pit. Still don’t want to and probably will not play D4 until glyph leveling is changed into something less dreary and boring.


Maybe they need longer seasons. Devs cant keep up

I said the same thing - OP - Ive never seen a drop off quite this hard.

To be fair - I posted my feedback from the PTR ( the same feedback for the last year) and it falls on deaf ears. This game needs a complete overhaul


yeah played d4 from de start for me S2 and S4 where the best while by biggest issue with game its that everything is RNG like tempering Enchanting all rng they should do something about that my second biggest issue is balance played S6 only for week and thirth last issue no build variation most of seasons each class has only 1 build and all the other builds of the class are so bad its not even worth it to try it

The dev is truly disengaged now, they already said they will be in holiday when PTR is started. They will check you email after New Year and get back to you the soonest. :wink:

What the crap is a blaster?

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A blaster is someone who likes to get to max lvl as fast as possible and care little for leveling and combat variance. often plays many hours and will be geared far faster than casuals. They are often more demanding of stuff to do at max level as many casual dont even get to t4. Not counting season 5. we all got everything and could go horde 8 and wack tormented bosses due to the good drop rates including ubers. However some of the blasters got bored so they didnt like s5 much.

In d3 the ptrs were two weeks. Blizz would monitor the chat (yeah chat systems are nice) forums, examine the leaderboards (also nice for balancing testing) and let us blast a week, then make adjustments based on all those factors.

Here, its 1 week or less. No leaderboards we see (maybe they got internal ones!!) No big 100+ ppl chats. No second week, no second balance pass. They might hot fix 1 or 2 things, but it doesn’t feel as productive and collaborative as d3 ptr.


Honestly, some form of feedback would be nice. I have no idea if anything I say even gets read.

I mostly use “report a bug” now. At least those are going into a system somewhere. The forums seem completely ignored.


Probably they don´t care about our opinions and suggestions.
We are here as a bunch of idiots trying to help with feedbacks and suggestions.

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PTR did feel a bit like a ghost town the last few days.

I don’t think our feedback is ignored. look at aspects on uniques scaling with GA, increased ancestral drops, ancestral aspect floor at or near non ancestral cap… and many more things that people have asked for here have made their way into the game.

Obviously not everything that everyone asks for can go into the game because not all of them would work not to mention people ask for contradictory things. I believe they are seeing what we say here, even if it is a report spit out by bigdata/AI tools run over the database vs humans reading our posts.

The feedback you should look for is changes to the game. its not practical for people to take the time to reply to forum posts and say “This is a good idea we are considering it” as much as I would love the gratification of seeing that that on my own posts, i just watch the campfires and patch notes and quietly smile when something i and others have been hammering on makes it in :wink:

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